Thursday 31 May 2012

Toowoomba trivia.

I have learned:

The local rag The Chronicle is referred to (not so affectionately) as The Comical. It's not exactly rocket science to figure that one out.

Sushi hasn't quite found its way to the palates of the general populace. Reactions when asking where the nearest decent sushi places are = priceless. Excited to find a Sushi Station has just opened on the main street.

Most people born in Pittsworth end up living in Toowoomba. Obviously.

A showgirl does NOT mean the same thing in Pittsworth as it does in Brisbane. Nor in pretty much any other part of the world.

People from Pittsworth would do anything for 20 bucks. Oakey people would do anything for $5 and a lift to Pittsworth.

People in Pittsworth would do almost anything for a lift to Toowoomba. Oakey-ites, once again would do anything for a lift to Pittsworth.

If you relocate from Pittsworth to Toowoomba there's a great likelihood you'll end up working at my company.

Only people judged and approved as suitably classy by Pittsworth-ians are allowed to sit at our lunch table. Which is basically everyone except people who come from Oakey.

**disclaimer: as I have visited neither Pittsworth nor Oakey the comments above are paraphrased from ex-Pittsworth-ians and may in no way reflect reality. In fact it may be a complete load of BS made up for comical effect. So be it.


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