Saturday 19 May 2012

Go to packing hell. Do not pass go.

They say that death, divorce and moving house are the most stressful things you have to experience in life.

Well I haven't done the divorce thing but they're right on the money with moving.

So all the best laid plans went out the window last night. Instead of packing I substituted watching Pretty Little Liars instead. Now I'm all caught up so bring on June when they grace our television screens again!

Scarlett O'Hara would be proud.

Just as well I did too seeing as my Internet got disconnected at 7 am this morning... I did ask for a Sunday disconnection but somehow assumed that meant Sunday night, not morning. Who'd have thunk a phone company could possibly be efficient?

So begins my week without Internet. It's going to be rough, I tell you. I'm tempted to go buy one of those prepaid thingies but then feel stupid...surely I can go a few days without it? After all I do have Internet on my phone but typing this on my tiny phone keyboard is already doing my head in.

On the plus side, removing the computer distraction has helped enormously in focusing on the task at hand and I can now sit down and say that apart from a couple of bits and pieces, we are DONE.

And thank god for that. I don't think I could've stood another day. I'm tired, dirty and have so much dust up my nose I've given myself a sinus headache. Joy.

Thank god we're getting cleaners in, my building requires it, because I look around at all the dirt and dust and debris that seems to always appear only when moving and can barely face it. At least tomorrow after the removalists leave I can let the cleaners in, hand the keys back and be on my way...finally!!

It's only been a few weeks but it seems like its been so long and drawn out, I'm sick of moving and sick of myself and just want to get there! Last obstacle is looking at the house where we're going to live and hoping we can make it work. Here's hoping I'll be pleasantly surprised, as we need to make it home until at least January as per my lease!

And after the hell of this move I'll definitely wanting to be staying put for quite some time. I didn't realise the significant difference of moving inter-city, which I've done heaps to times, compared to moving to an entirely new town. Whatever we can't fit in our car simply HAS to go in the moving van and I swear it doubles the amount of boxes you need. Usually I'll do a couple of car trips when moving but as we plan to leave and not come back (not never, but you know what I mean) we can only take a single carload. And my couch cushions take up a single box just on their own.

Toowoomba better be the place to be because I have a feeling they're stuck with me whether they or I like it or not!

So packing purgatory has led straight through packing hell to box city. Next stop better be worth it!

One more sleep and then hopefully it will all be good! I usually give the removalists a hand but have made the executive decision to give them access and then make myself scarce so they can do their thing.

Can't wait to sleep in our new house tomorrow night!

Love to everyone in Brisbane, I'm sure I'll be back for a visit soon.


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