Friday 25 May 2012

Induction. Internet. Succinct and not winning a million dollars.

Induction day and what a day! So firstly alarm didn't go off as somehow the volume button got pushed to zero sometime during the move. Luckily for this earlybird I woke about 10 minutes after the appointed alarm time, so no fatal faux pas for this little black duck.

I layered up quite significantly in anticipation of the 'freezing' morning and raced to the car in plenty of time. However it may have reached 5 degrees at some point during the night but was already 15 degrees by 7am so all in all I quickly regretted a layer or two.

So can I tell you I'm mega jealous that I wasn't the first person to open a drive thru coffee place in Toowoomba? Driving past Zaraffas the line was more than 7 deep and the shop inside packed. Winning.

Of course still being on Brisbane timing I left way early which was an inspired choice seeing as in my supreme confidence that I knew EXACTLY where to go, I missed the turn and got lost. By the time I realised I was heading to Gooniwindi and turned around, my time advantage had dwindled and I arrived with just 10 minutes to spare. Lucky I haven't quite adjusted yet!

So induction. I had more information thrown at me today than this little brain could possibly handle, plus tours of two different facilities, my first introduction to safety goggles and ear protection and the world's longest IT induction known to man. Seriously I
Could've run that thing in a hour, et he stretched it out to four solid hours plus has arranged to see me Monday! Ah!

It was hard work stifling my snigger when he asked us to be succinct and then took more than three minutes to explain what succinct meant. He was the only one who missed the irony!

On the plus side I got to spend some time with my new boss and met a lot of lovely people and I do feel I'm going to like it there. Phew!

As I didn't win a million dollars yesterday I will need to turn up on Monday so it's just as well.

Do today was Internet day! I got home so excited to get hooked up...before realizing we have several obstacles.,,

Firstly we only have the old style phone connections here and only modern ones in my tech-box.

Secondly the only phone point is in my bedroom so we're gonna need a monster cord to reach through one or two rooms to reach the study.

So until we get the accoutrements we need we can't get connected...BOO.

Of course it doesn't escape my notice that if I'll pulled my finger out yesterday I would've known this and been able to get what I needed on the way home. Of course I could do it now but it's COLD and WET and I'm too tired (sadface).

So there's my day. Still on the iPhone, hanging on the couch with my boy and watching TV. It might be boring to some but is exactly what I need right now!

Stay tuned as I'll be posting the return of Cathy's 50s Housewife Friday shortly! Great to see her back on her feet and of course, baking!


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