Wednesday 23 May 2012

Making sense of the unsensible.

Not sure if that's even a word but the brain is too clogged with dust to coherently think of an alternative.

I just read back my To Do list from this morning, which I hereby dub my 'Wish list' as clearly I was dreaming.

So E is all set for school - tick. We have uniforms, books and all the forms filled out, gone on a tour, met his teacher and freezed (froze?) our jacksies off all the while. Glad he's going to that wind tunnel and not me! All that's left is a school bag as he's decided it would be bad form to tote the old one emblazoned with his old school logo. But I'm sure I can hook him up from my extensive collection of backpacks I have in a box...somewhere...

I washed my hair! Result! I actually sucked it up and did it this morning before visiting the school thinking it was probably best not to let them think that I'm 'that mum', at least not on the first day. It was a prolonged experience but not impossible, although I now want to marry the heat light in my bathroom without which I don't think standing there for that amount of time would be possible. I'd say it's an experience I don't want to repeat but the alternative is too horrible to contemplate.

I also took a bunch of empty boxes and stored them in the rafters of my garage so that's three things off the list. Check!

As for getting ready for work tomorrow and setting up the computer gear...ummm....

Hey I'm easily distracted and instead decided to unpack boxes, lay down my rug, hang pictures and all of that crucial stuff instead.

As much as it pains me, the Internet setup may need to wait to the weekend unless I come home completely energized from my work induction tomorrow (which as it consists of a four hour safety induction followed by IT, I'm thinking that's a no).

As for the forms, well we all know that will be a crazy 6.30am job tomorrow morning when I'm madly trying to get ready for work. I'd say I'd do it tonight but who are we kidding?

So I just checked the weather forecast for Toowoomba and it appears I'd better not get used to the sunny days we've been enjoying, where if you stand in direct sunlight you can forget momentarily that you're freezing your tits off.

Tomorrow morning is going to be a killer. Walking the 10 or so metres from the back door to the garage might just finish me off. And it's supposed to be raining, which is just the icing on the cake.

So on a completely irrelevant aside, I love LOVE my new kitchen! I've now tested out all the appliances and they're awesome! I don't know what to do with myself with all the bench space and I've said this before...a dishwasher that washes dishes! I'm in heaven and have already rediscovered my love of cooking which had been dormant in the face of crappy/tiny kitchens for the last several years. So stay tuned as I'll likely bore you with pictures of my culinary creations (warning: they taste better than they look). Or maybe it's because I've had too much time on my hands with having the week off work...

You'll be pleased to know that my trackies/fluffy socks sojourn of yesterday frightened me sufficiently to lift my game today. Hair, makeup, dress, tights and a woollen hat that E assured me looked cute but I have a sneaking suspicion just made me look stupid.

So wish me luck tomorrow! It's just induction day but I'm really nervous, it's been 7 years since my last induction and I still remember struggling to stay awake in that one.

Oh and I just realised it's 'insensible' but I've decided I like my version better.


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