Monday 6 August 2012

Man flu.

At the risk of alienating every male reader I've ever had, I am compelled to comment on an epidemic currently sweeping South East Queensland.

Ladies, if you're currently experiencing these symptoms in your household, my heart goes out to you. Fortunately my home is epidemic free however I cannot say the same for my workplace.

What am I talking about?

Well women would describe it as a sniffle, or a common cold. However the male of the species would label it 'man flu'.

Yes, man flu.

Apparently man flu is entirely different from any type of flu experienced by females. The Urban Dictionary (always full of helpful information) defines man flu as:

A rare strain of flu so powerful and so deadly it can only be matched by the Bubonic Plague and Aids. An incurable virus which has adapted to only effect the XY gene found in men. The virus attacks the immune system 10,000 times harder than the average flu virus, causing excruciating pain for the victim. Man Flu has no cure and prayers cannot save the forsaken life of the infected. The often deadly virus is mostly laughed at by women who sadly cannot contract Man Flu.

Apparently this condition is now so common that has been developed to assist the infected, it's tagline being that 'it's important to remember that YOU are an expert in self diagnosis'. It also offers helpful tips for women such as:

  • Any flippant comments such as 'Oh it's man flu, is it?' will result in immediate deterioration
  • Any sarcasm will also result in deterioration. Instead, you may be required to massage his feet, dab his forehead with a wet cloth, cook/clean/do housework/change the channel on the remote, or in other words be his slave without complaint

My workplace is currently being overrun with Man Flu. If it wasn't so pathetic it would be humorous. Now a few weeks back I was suffering from, you know, just your normal flu, and still managed to show up to work every day. However as I don't possess the XY chromosome, I clearly just don't get it.

So for the man suffering Man Flu in YOUR life, I recommend the following.

Hope it helps.


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