Wednesday 15 August 2012

Selfless people just make the rest of us look bad.

Look I'm a fairly giving person. On a good day I might even be described as generous.

If I'm being brutally honest, I would probably say that my generosity comes from a selfish place. There I said it. I give something because it gets me something back that I want. Not necessarily material value. Like I'll shout someone for dinner and drinks but mostly because I REALLY want to go out and they wouldn't come unless I paid. Or I'll do something unexpected and nice for someone because it makes them smile, which then makes me feel good.

I can be greedy and whilst I strive with being happy with what I have, there's a little part of me that always wants MORE.

So there you are. Not exactly Miss Selfless 2012 talking here.

So when someone does something completely selfless, I'm sorry, it just makes all of us look bad.

I had an incident today where a guy was given something, only for him to want to forego it entirely to distribute among a bunch of other people. Not to say that these people weren't deserving either, but seriously, if anyone deserved something nice to happen, it was this dude. It was a completely selfless and 'ahhh' moment for us all.

But I'm sorry, it sets a bad precedent. So now if I'm recognised for something, am I supposed to be all 'oh someone else deserves it more' when really, I just want to grab it and run????

I hate to say it, but plan B is really more my style although I'd probably make big noises about 'wouldn't be here without em but gimme, gimme, gimme'.

So there you have it selfless people. Give it up already.

Bec xx

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