Monday 27 August 2012

Privacy and the Internet. An oxymoron?

Privacy and the Internet are kinda an oxymoron, yeah?

It's a fine line to walk when doing pretty much anything on the 'net, from buying something online through to blogging or writing on Facebook.

It's pretty well known these days that most HR people will go straight to FB and check you out before you even get an interview. If there's something there that turns them off...well buh bye Mr Job for you...

When I walked into my new workplace a few people confessed that they already felt like they knew me because as good employees would, they googled me when I got offered the job and stumbled on my blog. 


Clearly whatever I write here isn't too offputting as they didn't rescind the offer (obviously that's BEFORE I posted about man flu...that's probably a career-limiting post for a male-dominated industry right there).

But it does raise the question of what should you or should you not be putting out there in blog-land, or indeed anywhere on the 'net?

It's a hard question and one I navigate every day. Because I value my job and the people I work with I have been pretty careful from day one about not writing about where I work or a lot of things that happen day-to-day, despite some days providing such bloody EXCELLENT material (let me tell you). Put a bunch of smart, funny people in a room and then be responsible for recording the minutes of said meeting, and believe you me, I could have enough fodder to populate my blog for years to come.

But I don't because my position is one of enormous trust, and it would be a massive breach of confidentiality. And I'd quite like to have a job tomorrow, thanks!

I am also careful about what I write about E. One day anything I say here might come back to bite him on the ass and I would be horrified to be responsible for something that could jeopardise friendships, careers or relationships for someone else, particularly my son!

It's a fine line to walk and one that some days is really difficult. The thing I love about blogging is the freedom from 'rules' and the ability to say and think anything I want to put out there. However due to my sense of, and need for privacy, it can set limitations and inhibit me from saying things that are on my mind.

It's a balancing act for sure, to be authentic and truly ME without stepping over the boundaries. Particularly when such awesome things happen at work or at home that I would LOVE to write about (ie. a 'commando incident' at home that I am forbidden to mention. Ever). 

Having said that, I feel compelled to write and hence this blog in the first place. I must admit my own sense of privacy does make me want to not necessarily censor myself but be selective with what I share and what I don't. Now that I've been writing this for a couple of months I am getting more comfortable with my own boundaries and a sense of what people find bat-shit boring or interesting etc.

So there you are. I think I'm still being true to me, but this blog is probably just a small slice of what makes up the life of Bec. Luckily for me I have the ability to go on and on for paragraphs whilst essentially saying squat. 

We all have a skill.

So happy Monday all! Hope your week is shaping up to be a great one!


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