Sunday 26 August 2012

Look it up in the effing dictionary.

So this past week has been effing crappy! I was diagnosed with a chest infection last Monday and given some really heavy duty sulphur antibiotics. If I didn't feel comatose from the flu, I was feeling nauseous and/or about to pass out from the drugs.

Thankfully Mr Nice Doctor also gave me a prescription for Panadeine Forte - two of these little babies took my cares away for a good few hours at a pop. Lying in bed staring at nothing and realising several hours had gone by was slightly surreal but at it certainly beat the unbearable coughing/sneezing/blowing nose/lightheaded/nauseous combo I had been experiencing prior.

We also had a huge event Thursday which I was in charge of so was desperately trying to hold it together, at least administratively, which thankfully I was able to do from home. The event went without a hitch (thank God) although I was dead on my feet trying to look like I wasn't about to keel over.

So I've had a bit of time to read miscellaneous pieces of crap from home and I stumbled upon the new words added to the 2012 version of the dictionary.

And I'm happy to say that the title of my blog post is grammatically correct.

Yes, effing has now been added to the dictionary.

It is in such illustrious company, joining words such as 'vajazzle', 'photobomb' and 'mwahahahaha'. Yes really. Also 'soul patch', which I believe should probably never occur in real life, let alone in writing. But there you are.

So eff away, people, it's now part of the vernacular.

Hoping that 'farking' will get the impetus required to join its counterparts in 2013. Let's see what we can farking do, shall we?


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