Thursday 9 August 2012

How are you so happy?

My boss said the nicest thing to me yesterday. I went off on a tangent, as we're wont to do and were talking about some nasty woman who once worked there and I said something along the lines of that I think I'm missing the vengeance gene.

He then said to me, 'speaking of missing the vengeance gene, how are you so happy all the time?'

Anyone who's known me for a long time probably knows that whilst I'm essentially a look on the bright side of life (doo doo, doo doo, doo doo, doo doo - thanks Monty Python), I have struggled for quite a bit of my life with being completely and UTTERLY cynical. It is a strange combination I will admit, but due to extreme (and I mean extreme) shyness, lack of confidence and desperate need to be liked when growing up I had probably way more of my fair share of bad days.

Put it this way, on my grade 8 camp where we gave everyone song titles that best represent them, I was dubiously crowned with this zinger:

Sad Songs, Elton John


Throw a pair of braces into the mix for 2 years and kids picking on me because my gums showed when I smiled...well it's probably a no-brainer that I wasn't your cheerleader, happy kid growing up.

So to hear my boss tell me that it brightens his day to walk towards his office and see me sitting outside smiling is truly one of the nicest things anyone could say. And to then go on and say that I always seem to be bright and happy shows me just how far I've come from the moody, anxious lost little soul I used to be.

So there's my deep thoughts for a Thursday. Wow.

Anyhoo, who couldn't smile when they have a FANTASTIC night to look forward to with the gals tomorrow eve????

I hear Cathy is cooking up something stay tuned for her ubiquitous 50s Housewife Friday tomorrow...and lots of lots of photographic evidence of our girly shenanigans!!!



shelleyberelli said...

What a lovely compliment to receive. Isn't it funny how it can feel like you're pedalling as hard as you can (or doing the egg beater kick underwater!) to stay afloat and what people see is you gliding along :)

I've got this Judy Horacek postcard on my fridge:

Unknown said...

I LOVE that postcard! I haven't seen that before but oh so true. It isn't until you get older though that you realise that everyone's the same insecure blubbering mess as you are, just with a great mask. Love it!