Thursday 3 May 2012

Bec's rant of the day: browsing, is bigger better?

So a key fashion trend for the fashionista in you is apparently the thicker brow - this trend has been (so originally) named browsing. must be having a slow news day as it's one of their key stories.

Alice McCall said the brow complemented the total look of her collection. What?

There's even a video to show you how you too can get the 2012 brow, which according to Alice "personifies a high-fashion, edgy yet feminine style".

So what's my problem?

The originator of the accursed '2012 brow' makes the assumption that all of us have brows to start with.

I don't actually HAVE much of an eyebrow. My eyebrow routine consists of plucking about half a dozen hairs from either side and the odd wax to get rid of those annoying invisible hairs that interfere with my makeup. The fact that my eyebrows are dark blonde doesn't help matters and getting them tinted just highlights how thin they really are. In fact, it has been commented more than once that I should stop 'overplucking' my brows.

If only.

Generally I'm pretty happy with the situation as I'm not a slave to my beautician in order to not have a monobrow. I only have to go once or twice a year for a nice shaping.

And I know any of my thicker browed counterparts will be hating on me for this post. The unibrow and the Brooke Shields circa 1988 look has been ridiculed for decades. But the laugh is now on me because you are now automatically 'on trend'. And I'm not. And will never be.

Yes I'm superficial. But I feel like there's some exclusive club and I don't know the secret handshake.

So go forth you edgy 2012 fashionistas and enjoy your browsing. I just pray that this too will pass through our fashion annals as quickly as the bubble skirt. At least IT only comes around every 15 or so years when people have forgotten how absolutely unflattering they are.

Rant over.


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