Wednesday 23 May 2012

Last night I had the strangest dream.

No I didn't sail away to China, as per the song (random 80s flashback) but I did have me one weird-ass dream.

I don't think it was as cold here last night as I went to bed with the same clothing and coverings but woke up a time or two as I was too hot, and this either aided or contributed to my mind working in strange ways than usual.

The first thing I remember is being in a department store and trying on a dress I didn't like. Instead of getting dressed I grabbed two pillows to cover myself and went to look at shoes and I remember having an argument with the salesgirl who was tying to make me buy a particularly ugly pair of red vinyl boots.

Then suddenly I'm hailing a taxi, still starkers with the pillows front and back, and decided to head for my mates house. We went through an area that looked suspiciously like Spring Hill in Brisbane before he pulled over and started trying to attack me as clearly I wanted it for being naked (with pillows) in his cab.

I fought him off and ran down the street (now without pillows) to the nearest shop which sold accessories and the nice girl behind the counter gave me a length of electric blue sequined fabric to tie around myself sarong-style. She also hid me in the back of the store as we could see the cabbie looking for me.

I rang the mate whose house I was going to and asked him to come get me and explained the situation and then inexplicably started helping the girl out in the store while I waited.

As you do.

Anyhow after awhile I rang my mate to see why he was taking so long and his flat mate informed me he wasn't coming as he didn't want to put himself in any danger and maybe get hit.!!!

I was thinking a few choice four letter words and crossing him off my Christmas list when I woke up.

So what's the verdict? Are there any dreams analysts out there that can give me ant clarity on wtf that all means? I mean, I've heard about being naked at school but in a taxi? Blue sequins?




Muzza said...

Bec, it's all got to do with your change in direction in life. You are 'trying on new things' and can't find what you want. You are scared you will be exposing the real you (maybe through this blog even) and that you may get taken advantage of (cabbie) and not get the support you had hoped for from your friends. Also, the mate could be your 'male side' which is too scared to come out and assert itself. The sequins and helping the shop assistant - that's just showing your feminine side and your nurturing by helping out because that's just the nice kind of person you are. Either that or you are just a nut case and shouldn't eat cheese and bananas before you go to bed as they give you nightmares! ;p

Unknown said...

I'd probably go with the nut concept but this is really spot on! Sometimes I write things in this blog that I wonder if I really want other people to read, I guess it's a form of journalling where I don't necessarily expose my most innermost thoughts but definitely my inner self...if I think about it too much it's kinda freaky for such a private person such as myself. Also you are so right about the change in direction - I've pretty much changed everything in a really short timeframe! Thanks for this, it really makes sense! ng