Wednesday 9 May 2012

Happiness. Seeing the end of the tunnel. Day 20

So it's now just one more sleep before the end of my happiness challenge and there's a part of me that's quite relieved as this challenge really does have a habit of ruling your life and sucking your creativity - let's face it, it seems a little hypocritical to write a snarky post when you're striving to be happy and good!

However, there is a big part that will be quite sad to see it end.

I have promised myself to somehow incorporate the happiness challenge in my day to day existence - I mean, the whole point of doing it was to reprogramme the grey matter to think positively, right? If I feel myself backsliding I may have to publicly air my gratitudes and kindnesses from time to time on my blog, as it's better than a public lashing, yeah? At least for me.

So for the second-to-last time, here's my challenge for today:

  • We went down to the carpark today to get the car and take E to the doctor only for the lift doors to open to the most horrific smell! Turns out there's a HUGE problem with our sewerage system and there was a plumber with his big truck trying to remedy it. Before the words registered, I said to E 'it could be worse, you could have a crap job like his' - and then realised this poor bugger literally DOES have a crap job...Bet his day was worse than mine
  • Whilst getting up early, getting ready for work and then finding out that I have to stay home with a sick boy is not a fun experience, I did manage to get some mid-week cuddles that are such a rarety these days. I hate E being sick but he gets very cuddly when he's not feeling well and is so very cute. So I am happy for that, if not for the circumstances
  • Thirdly I am grateful my new discovery and boredom killer...Scramble With Friends. Although apparently I'm a natural at this and already two friends have declined to play again as I've kicked their butt which I think is just bad form ha

So an unexpected day at home today, with Elijah being unwell. The doc confirmed potential tonsilitis so he's been prescribed antibiotics to relieve it which is great - hopefully these will kick in soon. The main issue is the stomach migraines which have reared again, I guess in place of the raging headaches I've been experiencing (but which thankfully seem to be easing this afternoon).

So we've not done a whole lot today except the doctor and a quick shopping run and a bit of work and surprise surprise...more list making. Maybe I'll actually sit down and ACTION these lists soon, but not today.

Random act of kindness:
I bought E a cheesymite scroll after the doctors. We had to wait for almost an hour for our appointment and he was so good, although about to fall asleep and bored witless! Once again E delights me by his excitement over the simplest of things. Love him to bits.

Another success - made it through and then slept soundly, yea for me!

So tomorrow being another day, is also the last day of my challenge. Let's make it a good one!

Hope you're having a fantastic day, let me know if you have any happy news to share! Make sure you subscribe by hitting on the buttons below! I'd love to hear from you.


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