Wednesday 2 May 2012

Happiness. Lucky 13!

So the day most people dread that I actually embrace (see previous Friday the 13th post for more!).

It's day 13 of my challenge to reprogramme the grey matter into always looking on the bright side of life (doo doo, doo doo doo doo doo doo) and after a rocky start, my usual luck with the number 13 didn't let me down.

  • So the day started with a rude snooze button interlude that literally had me from shower to door in 6 minutes. I blame The Voice (these battle rounds are too good not to watch, but OMG they finish just too late). But I sucked it up and presented myself at work with a smile and renewed sense of enthusiasm. Or as much as I could muster. Alright, I sat there dumbly at my computer with headphones firmly in place to block out the world. That's what you get for 6 minutes. I found in my inbox a big project that had to be finished by 3:30pm TODAY. Crap. As any normal person would, I immediately took myself off for a stress walk, which is my usual reaction (and far more positive than kicking the crap out of the photocopier, I have found. That just hurts your foot and gets you in trouble). I then sat down, bitched under my breath for a while and then evaluated my options. a) tell the person to bugger off. b) bitch a lot but just do it or c) just get on with it and see if someone could help me. Being the happy positive person I am (!) I chose c and immediately co-opted a colleague who had the misfortune of being unscheduled today. Between the two of us we knocked it over with a couple of hours to spare and even got thanked at the end of it for a job well done. So this is a shout out to my poor colleague who probably thought he had a cruisy day but instead ended up doing a couple hours of crappy admin for me instead. And he did it with a smile, which is more than I can say for me. So thanks dude, you saved my sanity (and my other colleague from being told to bugger off of which the fallout would likely not have been pretty).
  • Today I'm even grateful to see yellow scarf girl and I'll tell you why. I've spared you from this due to its awfulness but due to the past few cool mornings, scarf girl has foregone said scarf and instead sported an extremely unfetching cream knee length cardigan complete with hood worn up over head. I wish I was kidding. So seeing her today with the bloody yellow scarf (every. damn. day) put a smile on my face. Normality is restored.
  • I am really, really grateful that E won't be around at his school for school camp, seeing as we just got sent an invoice for $295 for 4 days. Where are they staying, the Beverly Wilshire? I remember my grade 7 camp we were literally given a backpack, groundsheet, sleeping bag and a square of plastic with a couple of ropes between four of us and told to get creative. And it was fantastic. I think we had shower facilities on only about 3 nights and came home filthy, exhausted and totally exhilarated. I really think we over-pamper the kids these days, last year's camp was in some 5 star cabin style accom complete with surfing lessons. I mean really?

So another day and another day without real action on the Toowoomba project. My dad rang me and was reminding me that time's running out...yes I know dad, but everything kind of hinges around getting somewhere to live and finalising the move-in date. I've got a few possibilities that I'm excited about on but am a little apprehensive about trying to rent a place sight-unseen. I come from a family of real estate agents and am well versed in advertising-speak (original = shithole that has not been touched in 50 years etc) and know they have some awesome tricks to make things appear twice as big and nice in photographs as it actually is in person.

So I think I'll be heading up there on Saturday to check things out in person before I commit to anything. Sure I can move in 6 months, but ideally we'll find a place where we can settle in and make a proper home rather than living temporarily in something that isn't all that great.

Otherwise I'm starting to wrap things up at work and make sure everything's handed over properly. I really don't want to be THAT person who everyone carries on about after they're gone 'that BASTARD didn't finish that', 'I inherited that piece of crap from that ASSHAT who couldn't be assed doing it properly' etc. I've witnessed this on a lot of occasions, and OK I've been known to utter such words a time or two myself. I would prefer everyone to be 'oh we had no idea how much Bec did until all the wheels fell off the wagon when she left' and then go cry in the bathrooms before calling me to beg me to come back....ha.

Anyway it's a personal sense of pride that I leave things finished and tidy and handed over to the next person.

And then maybe I'll find a place to live.  Too many thoughts in this tired old brain!

Random act of kindness:
I offered to go on a coffee run for a colleague who always moans that no-one ever asks her. She said no. But I offered. So that counts.

Last night I filled myself up with good energy, and started to drain the bad. I was so tired I think I made it all the way through but my recall isn't that great. Would really love some tips from any meditation gurus out there, cause clearly I am really, really crap at this.

Hope your hump day was good for you! I'm actually amazed at how quickly the week is flying by, it honestly feels like I've blinked and missed the last couple of days. I really thought the anticipation of the Toowoomba project would make time really drag. Perhaps this challenge of trying to enjoy the moment is actually working, as everyone knows the theory of relativity - ie. when you're bored you close your eyes and it's a minute later but if you're having a good time hours fly by in the blink of an eye. 


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