Wednesday 11 July 2012

Unpacking is a dirty word.

So rental inspection tomorrow and how nice it is to be able to kinda chill about the whole thing. Frankly we just haven't been here long enough to really destroy the place yet, plus there's a few marks and things on floors and walls that are pre-existing so I don't feel the pressure to make it 'perfect' like I did in my last place.

And great news today, E's queen size bed that we ordered for his birthday next week has arrived! He was so excited until I announced that for the duration he'd have to sleep on pink sheets until I can find something

How to horrify an almost-12 year old boy in 3 easy seconds!

He is very excited to have such a big bed and I'm really grateful that his room is so large that we've put in the bed and still have ample room for him to play and chill.

Now his single bed 'lives' in the furniture-less room in which we've set up the Wii so it's finally looking a little lived in.

I will have to leave a note for the real estate explaining that I haven't quite yet I've been here 2 months already but due to flu and exploring and quite frankly not giving a damn, most of my office gear and all the 'miscellaneous' staff are still lurking around in half-unpacked boxes here and there. I've condensed them all in the sunroom to make all the other rooms look reasonable and will, sometime in some indeterminate date in the future, unpack them. I want to go through everything and find proper homes for all the junk instead of just chucking it in a cupboard somewhere.

So in stark contrast to my last inspection where I was cleaning like a crazy person, I'm just chilling and laying back going 'whatever'. I gave the bathroom and kitchen a good clean on the weekend so they're still good, and all I really need to do is wipe a few things over and pick up a few bits of junk here and there that I seem to be so excellent at accumulating!

Fortunately today was no-where near as eventful as yesterday's flat tyre episode, just your normal, run-of-the-mill hump day that was slightly too long but pretty good on balance.

Can I tell you how HARD it's been to get up in the mornings here? You're all warm and cosy under the doona and know in those 2.5 seconds it takes to get to the bathroom you're gonna be cold again. It's all been a bit too hard therefore I've developed an extra special relationship with my snooze button that I really must break off.

Of course I do make things slightly harder by staying up till midnight watching The Bachelorette! Emily's now down to her final two and I'm so happy that one of them is my favourite, Jef. They genuinely seem to get each other and their favourite date was simply lying on their backs in a library somewhere in Europe that had a beautifully painted ceiling (a la Michelangelo) and talking. Sweet. Yes I know these things are pretty much semi scripted and the dates are referred to as 'cast members' but the romantic part of me really wants to believe it's real. I cannot wait for the finale to watch who Emily picks. Awww.

Right well off to pick up my crap off the floor so I don't get evicted before I've even finished unpacking...that would be unfortunate.


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