Monday 23 July 2012

Born under a lucky star.

So something happened today that has led me once again to ponder:

Do we make our own luck, or are some people just born lucky?

I've spoken before of my parking karma, my wondrous and inexplicable ability to find a prime carpark anywhere, anytime, however that's pretty much where my 'lucky' streak begins and ends. I don't think I'm UNLUCKY, per se, it's just that I have to work hard to get whatever I have, very little seems to just materialise on a silver platter. The only things I've ever 'won' (apart from my 'lucky' Nigerian relative inheritance) was a mobile phone back in the 80s where I know for a fact only 5 people entered. Not much luck required. Oh and a big pink heart shaped cake back when I was about 10.

It was a bit stale.

I've also mentioned a previous boss that ALWAYS won pretty much anything he entered into. It was like he had a winning fairy tucked away in his back pocket (I was always tempted to look but that would've been inappropriate).

So it appears I've inherited yet ANOTHER lucky boss....

Today we drew a lucky door prize for staff who attended our party last Friday night. I gave the bowl of names to my boss and let him do the honours...

And out of 200 names, guess whose name he picked out?

Oh yeah. His own.

Being a nice guy, he redrew and the prize went to someone else, but WTF?

So is luck transferable? Do you think if I get my boss to buy me a lottery ticket that that would do the trick? Cause I could really use a headstart on my 'New York' fund (a bunch of girls and I are madly saving to celebrate our respective 40th birthdays next year in the Big Apple...the savings balance currently stands at approx. $4.85...oops).

Some say that people attract luck by thinking positive, however I can tell you from personal experience that I am utterly CONVINCED that every time I buy a lottery ticket that my luck is golden, but then the machine tells me I'm wrong (I think the machine is rigged). 

What do you think? Do you think some people are just born lucky or is it just a fluke?

Deep thoughts to ponder.

Now I'm off to watch Emily pick her ratings winner husband so maybe I am lucky after all?


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