Monday 2 July 2012

Being Debbie Downer. And counting my blessings.

I realise I've been doing more than my fair share of whinging lately, heavy on the negativity. You don't realise how introverted and completely selfish you become when sick. For a few days there my whole world was just me, me, me and what impact it would have on, ME.

Debbie Downer much?

For example, on Saturday I drove my pretty damned perfect son down to Warwick to do a halfway handover with my dad, so that he can spend a week of his school holidays in Tenterfield with his grandparents and a bunch of his cousins.

Did I mention this oh just slightly important fact on my blog? Uh....

I woke up this morning not feeling like death warmed up (mind you, it was 1 degree so it wouldn't have been warmed up, just death. But I didn't feel it). Not saying I jumped out of bed and started singing and dancing to rival some lame-ass old school musical but I woke up. After sleeping for a solid 8 hours. Without waking up. Wow.

And I realised that perhaps, just perhaps, the world didn't revolve around me. Maybe.

(this has not yet been confirmed, of course).

Groundbreaking stuff.

Now that the cold and flu tablets seem to be embedded into my very fibres and I'm finally starting to feel on the upward rise of this dreaded lurgie, it's time to clear the cobwebs and count my blessings again. Yes you may breathe a sigh of relief now that I can finally breathe at all. So here we go:

  • It might be freezing, but it's the most beautiful perfect day outside. Blue skies, gentle wind and nary a cloud in the sky. Gorgeous.
  • I haven't had to rush my son to hospital two nights in a row thinking he's stopped breathing, like a friend of mine. Couldn't imagine anything more frightening and I thank the universe for the prognosis being OK. Thinking of you xx
  • Whilst I miss E like a missing limb, to hear him excitedly tell me about his day every night on the phone makes me smile and warms my heart. Some of my favourite memories are of school holidays with my grandparents and terrorising the neighbourhood with my cousins. For E to have the opportunity to spend a week with four of his cousins are lifetime memories in the making. Doesn't hurt that he's the oldest and like the Pied Piper, with all the littler ones following him around like Justin Bieber! He's also loving the novelty of staying by himself in one of the motel rooms at dad's motel like an adult. So cute.
  • If I haven't mentioned it before, I really, REALLY love our new house! Yes it's cold and yes the toilet is an ice-skating rink expanse of tiled floors away at night and yes we've experienced water, electrical and god knows what else issues in the short time we've been here but none of that matters. I LOVE it.
  • E's birthday is coming up in a few weeks and for a while now he's been asking for a bigger bed as due to his growing-like-a-weed habit that he just WON'T quit, and the funny way he sleeps with his arms thrown over his head, his feet are already hanging off the bottom of the bed. It's times like these where parents with a motel come in very handy. Dad's ordered a commercial quality queen size bed for about half the price of the dodgiest one at the shops. So I'm waiting for a phone call any day to organise delivery. I really hope it gets here while E is still at Tenterfield as I'd love to have it set up and made and everything, just to see his face when he comes home. Very lucky that his room is way big enough to accommodate the bed too!
  • Speaking of E's birthday, we've told him because the bed is so expensive (and grandparents/myself are going halves) that he won't be getting anything else. Because he's such a darling, he's completely cool with that. Of course I wouldn't let him NOT have something to open on the morning of his birthday so I'm on the hunt for the perfect thing. I've found this utterly awesome Lego Kombi that I absolutely think must be on the list. Can't decide if it's more for me or E though!
  • Looking forward to having an indoor campout (which sounds way cooler than 'sleepover', yeah?) for E's birthday. We're having fun trawling through Pinterest looking for cool party ideas and have come up with a few things that will look awesome. Can't wait.

So there you are, Negative Nelly is gone. At least for today!


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