Wednesday 18 July 2012

Football injuries and black eyes.

So worst mummy moment today!

I was super busy at work and then had to race out to do some shopping for an upcoming event for work, only to just get to the shopping centre for my work mobile to beep with a new message from a good friend saying 'ARE YOU THERE?' I responded in the affirmative, only to have her respond with 'CALL ME'. I then pulled out my personal phone (which I had had on silent due to being at work) to find a bunch of missed calls, some increasingly desperate facebook messages finally culminating in 'IF YOU READ THIS CALL ME'.

Wondering what the hell this was all about, I rang my friend only to have her tell me that E's school rang HER as a secondary emergency contact when they couldn't get hold of me to let her know that E had taken a football to the face and needed to be picked up.

Mummy of the year. Right here.

Of course I immediately (and shamefacedly) rang the school and said I was on my way and headed over to find my slightly teary boy sitting in the office clutching one eye and doing the whole pitiful 'trying to be brave' thing. My heart just broke.

I grabbed him, apologised profusely for being AWOL and then raced back to work to grab some notes and things so that I could work from home this afternoon. Not exactly the way I'd planned to introduce E to my new workplace, but there you are.

Poor little guy, he copped the ball straight to the eye, which fortunately means no blood but unfortunately means his poor little eye has only JUST managed to open more than a slit after an entire afternoon of icing it. Now that I can actually see inside, luckily there doesn't appear to be damage but I do think he might be sporting a lovely shiner for the next few days, as it's still really swollen.

Just what every boy wants for his 12th birthday!

Yes, his birthday is tomorrow and he's been soooo excited. A package arrived this morning on the doorstep courtesy of Australia Post and his grandparents so he's very keen to see what's inside!

Of course he's got his bed, his new Converse, new sheets etc so I'm only giving him one thing (which I've told him he's not getting anything else so will be excited about!). I can't wait for tomorrow to see his dear little face, complete with black eye or no.

So not the proudest mummy moment today. My friend is trying to make me feel better by saying I'm a working mum but honestly, to be out of touch just when your son needs you is the world's WORST feeling :(

So I'm off to cuddle my poor hurt boy now. Hope your day was nowhere near as eventful!



Willow said...

FFS Bec give yourself a break will you . Its not like you were out at the local pub drinking your day away or standing on a corner somewhere, you were out doing your job so you can afford to pay for that little boy so GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK MY GIRL xoxo

Unknown said...

Haha yes I know! I've written of mother's guilt before, and you know where I'm coming from! You're guilty if you do, and guilty if you don't...that's just the way it is :)