Saturday 28 July 2012

Retail therapy is exhausting.

So best day ever!

Willow picked me up this morning with her daughter A and her little man E to go on an epic shopping spree, and shop we did!

I left MY E happily playing Skylanders at home as he was singularly unimpressed at the thought of 'girly' shopping all day, which was probably just as well! I can only imagine the disgusted looks and audible sighs we would have been treated to as he was dragged from one dress shop to another.

Toowoomba...look out. We came...we saw...we bought.

Well I did at least.

A couple of fabulous new dresses, some blusher and a few pairs of tights later and I was shattered. This whole retail therapy thing should be rolled out to insomniacs, as I came home totally ready for a nap.

We sat down at the Coffee Club for some breakfast and little E was giving his mum a hard time in only the way a 2 year old can. Any mum will totally empathise with the whole trying to eat with one hand whilst trying to control a squirmy, vagabond toddler with the's like holding back the ocean. So as soon as I was done I strapped little E into his stroller and took him for a wander so W could finish her breakfast in peace.

Oh dear!

I'm shocked no-one in the shopping centre called Child Services on us, the way this poor little man was acting like I'd kidnapped and absconded with him...

The screaming crying, which I can easily deal with as it sounds SOOOOO fake quickly gave way to the most heartrending, mournful whimper I've ever heard in my life. I felt like a criminal!

Of course the crocodile tears dried instantly the moment we returned to W, all fed and watered, and we continued ransacking the shelves of every shop in the centre.

You know most days you go shopping and try stuff on and everything looks AWFUL or you can't find anything you like or whatever. Happily (or sadly, for my bank balance) today was NOT one of those days and I scored a couple of great finds, all the more special due to the 'one day only' $40 discount I scored on two of the dresses (each). There was one sad part when the dress I absolutely fell in LOVE with on the rack was simply just too tight to get away with :( Although as it was exorbitantly expensive, it was probably just as well. I must admit I am quite tempted to get it anyway as an 'inspiration dress' to look at every morning to encourage me to move my flabby ass a bit more so I can fit into it properly.

Shopping with W's 10 year old daughter was awesome! I think I'm every girl's mum's nightmare as I go directly to the edgy, gorgeous stuff that W is just shaking her head at going, 'not for MY 10 year old thank you very much'. I guess I would definitely feel the same way if it was my daughter :) Although we did manage to sweet talk W into buying her simply the cutest fluffy pink jacket that I only wished to god I could fit into... I will need to live vicariously through A, methinks!

So wonderful awesome day and looking forward to a great week wearing all my new gear! One of the dresses is quite summery so it may take a little while to appear but I'm looking forward to that day! What is it about waking up and getting dressed in new, beautiful clothes that makes the whole day feel special?

Ahhh retail therapy. How I love thee. Best shopping trip I've had in YEARS!

I'm also massively excited that W just informed me she is moving house next weekend and will be MUCH closer than me (ie. 3 minutes away instead of about 7 hahaha).

Bec xx

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