Tuesday 19 June 2012

Tuesday Q&A. Return of the hot plumber.

Today's Q&A. Sadly this is not a joke. FML.

Q: What's more un-fun than a shower that produces the merest trickle?

 A: a shower that doesn't produce squat. Not a trickle. Not a drop. Not hot, not cold, just nada. Together with every other tap and water generating device except the toilet (small mercies) and the (freezing cold) rainwater tap.

I'm trying to erase from my memory all recollections of getting ready for work this morning. Suffice it to say it included a kettle, a sink and some soap and let's leave it at that. The mental scars are too fresh. Utterly traumatised.

Q: What's even more un-fun than freezing my bits off on a 4 degree morning with no water to speak of?

My lovely 'surprise' on my windshield
A: Realising I forgot to put my car in the garage last night (due to being distracted by hot plumber parked in my driveway) and finding a sheet of ice covering my windshield this morning. Yes ice.

Damn you hot plumber.

I remember when I was little my dad would get out the hose on frosty mornings to rid the car of ice and was about to emulate him when I realised...no water.

Happy days.

Q: What's even more un-fun than this joyous start to the day followed by an all-day meeting where I had to not only stay awake but also pay attention for the entire thing, due to taking minutes of said meeting?

A: Getting a text from #1 son after school to advise...you guessed it...still no water. Having to sit through another hour of the meeting before I could get out and phone the real estate was the longest 60 minutes of my entire life. I nearly cried on the phone to them at the merest thought of another night without a steaming shower.

On the upside, it did mean a return visit from hot plumber who located the problem and now not only is the problem fixed, the water pressure if anything seems better than before. Anticipating the longest, greatest singular showering experience of my life. Enough said.

I love you hot plumber.

I realised when recounting to a friend on the phone last night my money-tree-theft whilst on a champagne high at the bead shop that it was the day after said theft that the water pipe decided to blow itself to kingdom-come. Coincidence?

Is it like breaking a mirror? Have I just wished years of bad luck on myself by thefting the single thing that is supposed to BRING me luck?????

Oh dear.

But hey at least I can sit here and laugh about it now so I guess my recent happiness challenge has had some effect in still making me look for the upside in things.

Plus I got THE most delicious piece of cheesecake with caramel topping for afternoon tea, as a bribe for sitting in the meeting all day long. And cheesecake makes up for everything.

Looking forward to a very uneventful day tomorrow....please...please...


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