Wednesday 27 June 2012

I'm bringing out the big guns.

So I'm sitting here struggling with a sore throat, the sniffles and ears so blocked I'm walking like a drunk person, on what's probably the coldest, wettest day I've had in Toowoomba so far, when my darling stepsister from Cairns thoughtfully sends a photo of her kids entitled 'Winter Jammies' showing my gorgeous nephew and niece sitting at the table wearing shorts and tshirts.

Meanwhile it's bin night and E and I just ran like crazy people through the rain to get the recyclable bin and normal bin down a driveway that doesn't seem that long on a good day but was like the one of those neverending roads in a nightmare when getting pelted with rain and freezing wind.

Threats of drums, cymbals and french horns for Christmas don't seem to be doing the trick.

Therefore I'm bringing out the big guns...this year for Christmas her children will be receiving a Nickelback CD.

That is all.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol, I'm sitting in the comfort of my apartment where no bins need to be taken out,gardening is a thing of the past, a heater isn't needed (though most Bribanites would disagree),I don't have a noisy church behind me, no need for winter coats, "ear muffs", boots, gloves etc. Me thinks perhaps a move to Brisbane is in order.. We miss you guys!