Saturday 2 June 2012

Sunday, lovely Sunday.

Or it would be if E and I weren't both feeling under the weather.

Went to bed last night feeling headachy and thought a good night's sleep should fix everything. If only. Woke up feeling well rested but still very sub-par. You know EXACTLY how sub-par when I tell you I went to the shopping centre in my trackies.

Yes again. In my defense it was COLD and I forewent the pink fluffy socks for a more appropriate pair of black ones.

And yet again I wasn't even in the top 10 of the worst look at the centre. But that's too painful a subject to talk about. Moving on...

Cause that makes it all OK.

Toowoomba, what are you doing to me?

Anyway E seemed to be fine until we were picking up a few bits that I forgot yesterday from Woolies and then suddenly all the colour drained from his dear little face, and he looked like he was gonna pass out. We quickly went and fed him a scone and whilst it seemed to perk him up a little, he still was complaining of feeling tired and weak.

Personally if I hadn't had the shopping trolley propping me up, I wouldn't have been much better.

We did manage to pick up a cheap air bed which will be brilliant when we get our first Brisbane visitors on Thursday! So looking forward to seeing Z, E's good mate from his old school and his mum. They've been overseas on a holiday of a lifetime so I'm really looking forward to hearing all about it. We're looking after Z for a few days while his mum flies to Melbourne for a little R&R. Sounds odd considering they've just returned from a 5 week holiday but not so much considering she had Z 24/7 for 5 weeks without a break!

I was panicking about where to put them, our house is plenty big but due to years of a small unit the only beds on offer is mine (not happening), E's single bed or the floor. The couch might fit a kid but is pretty damned small so the air bed is a great solution both for them and for the (hopefully) tons of visitors who'll be making the trek up the mountain from Brisbane to see me! (hint hint)

Incidentally we've experienced some of the best fog I've ever seen in the past few days! I know after a while it will probably drive me nuts, but for now I'm loving waking up and looking outside barely able to see the house next door. It was like driving through a cloud to the shops today, like I said, I'll probably hate it in a month or two when the crazy Toowoomba drivers get on my tits, but for now it's magical.

Oh the drivers here are INSANE. I've been warned by countless people but I pretty much figured out on day 1 that most licenses granted on the Darling Downs seem to have been won in a raffle.

Of course I'm conveniently 'forgetting' that I myself got my license in a somewhat dodgy transaction in a little town called Laidley, not too far from here. Irrelevant.

Completely irrelevant.

So the rain seems to have finally stopped after 24 continuous hours of pouring - hearing the rain on the roof was a novel and awesome sound for an ex-high density living city princess such as myself. And I realise that in some ways I've already adapted far more than I knew...instead of worrying about my hair frizzing, all I could think of was the rain tanks filling (yay).

Ok I lie, I was thinking of the tanks but also worrying about my hair. But that's normal right?

We've also made a fair bit of progress on the house and it's really starting to feel like home. Putting the pictures on our mantelpiece (our mantelpiece!) suddenly made it all real and kinda cool. Of course there's still stuff to do, I wouldn't be me if there wasn't, but we're definitely getting there!

With a stew in the slow cooker and a box of veges on the counter that look so fresh we could've just picked them this morning, and going to the shops in my trackies, my suburban goddess impersonation is slowly choking the life out of the urban princess one breath at a time.

I'm just trying to decide if that's a good or a bad thing. Will a blanket with arms be the final measure? I will not succumb (god willing).

Now we're both feeling like death, and due to the temperature not even warmed up. Chilled? Not quite the same ring. E's almost comatose on the couch so I'm assuming this afternoon will be a non-event as we try to ensure we're alive enough to make it to work/school tomorrow. Eurgh.

Please let me know about the far more exciting weekend you've know it's true.


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