Friday 8 June 2012

Mum, what's a wanker?

Ah so I just got hit with a doozy. With my son acting in a (characteristically) dumbass way as he is prone to do, dancing round the kitchen like a complete dork, I inadvertently let the 'w' word slip which of course was pounced on by E immediately.

Ah. Ooops.

So I responded that a wanker was another word for being a moron, and that it was pretty rude so please don't go round school calling people a wanker, as I'm not sure I'd be able to maintain a straight face during THAT particular meeting with the Principal.

'But mum says it at home'. not????

Anyway it's lovely Friday and we're staring down a wonderful long weekend where the forecast is for cold, wet and rainy days, all the better for curling up in front of the heater and experimenting with burning the house down successfully learning how to make fire. I feel like I'm on Survivor. You know, minus the bugs and the outdoor living and the not brushing teeth thing.

I'm all geared up for a couple of indoor days, having finally downloaded some long-anticipated books on my Kindle which I cannot WAIT to read. So here's my rainy weekend reading list:

  • Deadlocked - the next in the Sookie Stackhouse series (True Blood for your television purists) by Charlaine Harris. I must say I'm still hooked by these but progressively get the feeling the author is just starting to churn them out in order to meet deadlines, although I'm hoping for the best on this one. If you haven't gotten into these books, I guarantee that if you go get yourself Dead Before Dark (#1), you'll be as obsessed as me in no time. It's no teen vampire drama, I can guarantee you of that.
  • Tote Bags and Toe Tags - Dorothy Howell. This is the third or fourth in the series and it's a fun, light chick-lit-ie mystery series about a shallow, handbag-obsessed but broke chick continually finds herself finding dead bodies and has to solve the mystery. Always a good read.
  • Undead and Unstable - MaryJanice Davidson. This series is seriously my favourite ever, I had to put a bus-reading moratorium on these books as I would laugh out loud and make people think I was a weirdo. Betsy gets attacked by some random smelly things and then gets hit by a car and wakes up as the Queen of the Vampires. She breaks every rule of Vampiredom and is more worried about the fact that she didn't get a pedicure before she 'died'. Love, love love.

So you know what I'll be doing this weekend! It's an ambitious goal but when I get a book I love, I can't put it down. Let's see how many I can get through, if it really does rain the entire time I think I just may be able to pull it off.

Mmm well I'm off to rescue our homemade pizzas from the oven, ready to snuggle up and try to stay warm!

Happy Friday!


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