Friday 22 June 2012

Diss my kid and see what happens. I dare you.

Home again today with a very sick little man :(

E woke up this morning worse than yesterday with a slight temperature and a cough that breaks your heart and makes you wince just to hear it. I'm glad it's school holidays after today as it will give him a chance to recuperate a bit and not miss any more school. He's heartbroken to have missed term end, not to mention the opportunity to grab the phone numbers of his new mates so we could organise for them to get together during the holidays.

He was so adorable this morning when I brought him his breakfast on a tray to the couch, complete with vegemite toast and a juice box (hey, it's gourmet all the way in this house) and a little cup with all his morning medicine and vitamins inside. He looked up at me pathetically and said:

You're so good to me when I'm sick.

He's so adorable! He's been so listless today and is currently sacked out on the couch so hopefully the rest will restore him to good health, fingers crossed. I feel especially super-protective of him when he's sick and just want to kiss him and cuddle him and look after him and make sure he's eating and drinking properly and taking his vitamins - it's the only time these days when he lets me treat him like a baby without the accompanying eye-roll and 'mum you're embarrassing me'.

Speaking of mother hens (or more aptly, lions defending their cubs), I caught up on my Bachelorette mandatory viewing and I have to say, I am LOVING single mother Emily. Most bachelorettes seeom so pageant-queen fake with pre-prepared soundbites and talking ad nauseum about their 'journey' (if there was a drinking game where you had to have a shot every time they said it, you'd be comatose by the first ad break). However in one of the recent episodes Emily completely won me over by showing her perfect Southern Belle facade is really just a cover for a scrappy, foul-mouthed ballsy chick who'll defend her family with her last breath.

She was informed that one of the guys referred to her daughter as 'baggage' which incited the following prize-winning comment:

I wanna go West Virginia, hood rat backwoods on his ass.

Love it. Not quite sure what it means but I think it's code for Emily, you're one awesome chick.

If this wasn't enough, despite being so sick she could barely speak, she then confronted this unsuspecting loser in front of all the others and proceeded to rip him a new one three ways from Sunday, asking if he had anything to say for himself. When he paused (likely to think of a convincing way to cover his ass) she jumped in and said:

No? Well get the f*%k out.

 Emily, you're my kinda girl. Most 'real' moment in Bachelor(ette) history.

Personally I can't believe that anyone could be stupid enough to disparage someone's kid. I'm an amiable and generally pretty docile person who is hard to anger, but heaven help you if you diss my kid. I'll tear you apart with my bare hands. And then light the remains on fire and roast marshmallows and dance around having a party. I've never met a mother who wouldn't, and quite frankly anyone that wouldn't is probably someone I don't care to know.

As a single mum, it does amaze me what comes out of people's mouths sometimes. I am constantly confounded by so-called well-meaning comments that ultimately are a major diss on my child where I want to rip their arms off and beat them with them. My 'favourite' was being told by a man that it wasn't right for my son to be brought up without a father and it was a failing on my part to have not provided him with one. Um, like I had a choice? Well I guess the choice was mine to have a child, and whilst I'm violently pro-choice and think that every woman has the right to decide what's best for her, for me it was a no-brainer.

I've said before that I don't want a medal or a pedestal but how about some simple respect?

Whew. When I started writing this I simply wanted to report Emily's awesome quote and suddenly here I am hip-deep in a single mother rant...not where I was planning to go but this brain and these fingers have a mind of their own sometimes. But there you are.

Lesson of the day: diss a woman's child at your own peril.

Now over to another mother who'd kill you stone dead if you so much as look sideways at her kids...but not before giving you a tongue-lashing of the calibre you've never experienced before (or indeed, will again):

Welcome back to Cathy and her (in)famous 50s Housewife Friday post for today. So excited for the big changes in her life too.



Anonymous said...

Lol, Ok maybe after today you won't be my friend... People have "dissed" my kid and I have remained quiet generally for 1 of 2 reasons. First I admit he can be difficult but I assure you it's not from lack of discipline, he can be emotional and over react and no amount of punishments, behavioral management or bribing has managed to change this! It's always a case of managing the situation at the time. Second it's sometimes easier to shut up and put up than it is to engage in a battle that will only end with me punching the lights out of the offending person! I choose to nod my head, walk away and never speak to them again because the consequences would see me in jail for assault and my son in foster care, which is never a good thing!Lol. But yes in a nutshell diss my kid and deal...

Unknown said...

Oh yeah sometimes you're better off just walking away, but you're taking action by never speaking to them again. There's a big difference between a friend trying to help you but not being as tactful about it as they could have been and someone being completely out of line though. It's those people who deserve to be burnt at the stake.