Saturday 9 June 2012

Indulging the girly-girl. And the ultimate crazy-lady must-have.

What an amazing weekend we've had! And the best bit is, with the Queensland long weekend it's not even over yet...

So we were so excited when we discovered that Z was well enough after all to come for a visit. E was on hot coals all day yesterday anticipating our 'first' Brisbane visitors, asking me every 5 minutes if I'd heard from them, when we were going to inflate the air mattress, driving me nuts until I was ready to call the whole thing off.

So we were both very happy when the phone call came saying they'd just passed a 'red elephant' which for anyone who's driven this way understands is a gigantic statue in the Gatton vicinity, for no discernible reason whatsoever. Well you'd think it had been a lifetime since the kids had seen each other, they were so beside themselves with excitement when they finally arrived!

It was lovely to see Z's mum as well and we spent more than our fair share of time gossiping and catching up before taking the kids to Pizza Hut for an all-you-can-eat pizza pigout, where E I am sure ate more than his body weight in pizza, pasta, chocolate mousse and ice cream.

Fortunately no blog-hacking hijinks ensued as for once in our lives, we conceded that it was TOO BLOODY COLD to drink cold wine last night. Mind you, we had to test the theory first to check that we were telling the truth... After two glasses apiece, we regrettably conceded defeat. I was slightly ashamed of ourselves, but it is what it is.

After finally wrangling the boys to bed at God-knows what time and waiting for the giggling and gossiping, akin to a 10 year old girl sleepover to finally subside, we were pretty damned shattered ourselves.

Today we decided to visit the Mummy Tree Markets which are held quarterly in Toowoomba for a little look-see.

And OMG, I was in girlie heaven!

Z's mum, being not quite so girly as me (let's face it, it'd be almost inconceivable to be MORE girly than me) wasn't quite as into it as me, which was pretty damned fortunate considering the boys, dragged along under extreme duress, were pretty disgusted with the entire proceedings and demanded to be taken to the food portion for chips.

My new 'must have' essentials
So I was left free to indulge my girly side and THANK GOD I didn't have a girl. OMG if I had a female child I would dress her like a little doll and be completely and utterly broke...well broker.

Wall to wall pink, lace, frills, name it. I know where I'll be going to buy all my nieces' Christmas presents this year. Best. Aunt. Ever.

I couldn't resist a few little treats for myself - you can see the pictures below. I did restrain myself from buying the coin purse to die for, and a handbag which was so beautiful I could just cry! However Z's mum surprised me later by sneaking back and buying the coin purse as an 'early birthday present'. Considering my birthday is not until September I was so touched and so incredibly HAPPY with my new toy.

Repeat: I am SUCH a girl.

Then I took them on the grand Toowoomba tour via my new workplace and to the ultimate of shopping destinations (cough cough)....Clifford Gardens Shopping Centre. This particular shopping centre is one I've spoken of before and the people who frequent said establishment are 'affectionately' referred to as 'Cliffo's'. Seeing as I have eyes, my natural assumption, and correct me if I'm wrong, is that this is Toowoomba's version of a bogan. Seeing as I'm not remotely blind (and my recent work-mandated medical will back this up), it seems fairly obvious that this is their natural habitat, where you can observe them in the wild (and I mean wild).

Anyway it was here that made the ultimate discovery which in less than a day has already proven to be a successful first manoeuvre in my quest to be the most embarrassing mother EVER.

Yes I speak of earmuffs.

I am now the proud owner of a set of pink leopard print earmuffs, which I unashamedly have worn all afternoon. Why have I never discovered these before? My ears are especially sensitive to the cold and initially I was on the hunt for a fetching ear-warmer knitted headband thingie that I could wear around the place, as I think beanies can look a tad ridiculous when inside an office. I didn't find one of those but I DID find the earmuffs!

Cause that's so much less ridiculous in an office setting, naturally.

I am now determined to be 'that mum', you know everyone knows her, the one that you either walk away from thinking affectionately that's she's either seriously weird or just plain eccentric. As I believe only rich people are allowed to be eccentric, I shall embrace the seriously weird instead. I realise in this town I have stiff competition and can't go about it half-assed. Never let it be said that I won't embrace my challenge to be the best.

Now we've waved goodbye to Z and his mum having thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and are now happily settling down for some serious book-reading and DVD-watching like the seriously wild party animals that we are.

So there you have it.

Girly side indulged = check.
Step one of the heinous plan to embarrass number one son complete = check.
Boys worn out and cranky as hell = check.
Awesome weekend with great friends = check.

I've posted some pics from our thoroughly awesome weekend below. Hope you're having as much fun as we are!


My new coin purse! LOVE!
Do they have these in my size?
So gorgeous!
Handbag crush.

So cold! Pre-earmuffs, when E still
not too embarrassed to be seen by me..
The new essential. My evil quest has begun.

Boys will be boys!
As you do.
Hot chocolate time!
Waving goodbye :(


Anonymous said...

Lol...hmm maybe I shouldn't have encouraged you to get the earmuffs? Who am I to criticize, I have a son who wears a headland!
Yes you are far more girly- girl than I will ever be, but as a friend I was more than happy to indulge you. We had a great time, again thanks for having us. Xxoo P

Unknown said...

So happy to see you guys! It was a wonderful weekend and Elijah will blame you forever for encouraging me re. the earmuffs. You've created a monster!