Thursday 14 June 2012

Thursdays that feel like Fridays. And great hair moments.

God I'm loving where I live! I simply couldn't make myself get out of bed for about 45 minutes this morning and kept hitting snooze repeatedly, and yet still managed to throw myself together and get to work by 7:30am. Awesome.

I thought perhaps there'd be a few sore heads around after the dismal State of Origin result last night and people rolling up 'late' for work (ie. after 7:30am) but how wrong I was. If anything there were more cars in the carpark than usual and I felt like I was the one who was late!

On the plus side, I mastered a new skill today. It's called the 'waterfall braid' and if I only devoted as much time to my work as I do my hair, I'll be the most kick-ass assistant in the southern hemisphere. Scratch that, the universe.


It's so pretty! And as it took less than 5 minutes I think I'll be adopting a new style on a pretty regular basis.

Big shout out to Pinterest for giving me so many ideas of how to survive bad hair days with a semblance of grace and dignity. Now if only it could help with my terminal foot-in-mouth disease and inexplicable sense of humour...

Had a fantastic day at work, although my brain repeatedly told me it was Friday, which seeing as we've had a four-day week is slightly problematic. I had that Friday rush thing going on, you know, when you're desperate to flee the office and are madly trying to wrap everything up. I would then realise it was only Thursday but 5 minutes later the brain is telling me, quick, you want to get out for the weekend...

Despite (or perhaps because of) this, I had probably the most productive day in my new job and really feel I can be a great contributor there. Feeling really comfortable but just slightly stretched, which is exactly how I like to be.

Plus someone brought in their fabulous espresso machine which I thoroughly enjoyed, both smelling and imbibing. Thank you anonymous colleague for your contribution to the greater good.

I'm so excited for the weekend, I'm determined to follow my aforementioned plan of attack for my new life by discovering somewhere I've never been and soaking up the atmosphere of this fabulous little city. I haven't quite decided what to do yet, but if you know Toowoomba then feel free to shout out a few ideas of how I can amuse myself and E!

On the downside, I really feel like I do need to go and get my hearing checked out on my left side, I had my earphones in and was listening to music today which was so soft I could hear every word of two dudes' conversation a cubicle over from me (on the right) but then found out someone had been calling me a few times on my left hand side and I didn't even hear! Hmm, this might not be good. I've been blessed with great eyesight and hearing in the past so it's slightly worrying to not be able to register sounds as well as I usually could in the past.

So I'm wracking my brain trying to come up with ideas for my silly jar.... I guess the old brain is slightly fatigued and full of information from our seminar this week and all the things I want to accomplish at work, but the ideas just ain't a-comin. Have you got any inspiration for me? Feel free to post them in the comments as I want to get a sense of fun back into every day. Here's my sparse and kinda pathetic list below:

  • Wear my earmuffs at my desk all day
  • Adopt the nanna blanket
  • Daggy dance in the work kitchen (extra points if anyone sees me)

So that's it so far. The jar will have to be pretty damn small or else it's just sad.

How's your Thursday? What plans are you gearing up for this weekend?



Anonymous said...

Loving that hair Bec - very pretty xxx

Unknown said...

Thanks! I saw a picture and decided it was a necessary skill to acquire. So pretty and so easy! Looks better on curly hair so I'll have to bother about that one of these days!