Tuesday 5 June 2012

The best 'first'!

Yeah no, not that. I think my son might be evidence that THAT was a while ago...

I'm talking of course about that wonderful, precious, always-beforehand-but-never-again-taken-for-granted, INTERNET.

Yes, lovely internet. I am happy to state that I am now connected!

So I'm writing my first post from my new house on my very own laptop, which I must say I have missed soooo much. I type nearly 100 words a minute so typing on a keyboard is a breeze for me, yet with that horrible little iphone keyboard I'm lucky to muster up a sentence every few minutes, not to mention the ridiculous typos and auto-correct that seems to change every damned word to something that is completely irrelevant. If I'd sent my typos to autocorrectfail.com, they honestly would have had to give me some kind of reward.

If I'd had to wait another day I think I may have lost it and the phone suffer some kind of mysterious accident (if driving over it repeatedly counts as such). Not that I would ever do such a thing. Honestly, Mr Insurance Man.

Sadly the connection doesn't seem to be as stable as it could be so I do foresee the odd problem, but on the face of it, SOME internet is better than none. After 3 weeks of being offline, I can deal.

So nothing was going to kill that buzz today.

Lucky for me my boss was super understanding about me coming in late due to aforementioned internet connection day (although this probably has more to do with the fact that I'll now be able to connect from home, haha), which was a complete blessing as we woke up this morning to any icy, wind whistling 4 degrees. The opportunity to stay snug under the doona for a while past the usually appointed time was a godsend.

Even  when I eventually set out for work at about 10am, the temperature had risen greatly to a whopping 5 degrees. Yay.

Let's just say that my sun-loving North Queensland stepsister was lucky she didn't ring to rub it in today.

The day of course flew and I was lucky enough to be supplied with a staff BBQ lunch which is apparently a monthly event, just another thing to love about my company! Sure it was only about 10 degrees and freaking COLD but still...

I had my 'first' real test taking minutes for a meeting this afternoon which seemed to go OK, although I'll reserve judgement until I actually write up the minutes and see if they're acceptable. I always hate turning in work for the first time at a new job as everyone has their own ways of doing things and what was great in one place is considered garbage in another...

But it's all good because I have INTERNET. (lol).

So three guesses for what I'm doing RIGHT NOW? It's a no-brainer of course, the second the internet was connected I immediately set about finding Gossip Girl and now I'm about to settle down and watch.

Oh as part of keeping myself busy before work this morning, I also put a lamb roast in the slow cooker...walking into the house this afternoon was so wonderful. I used to get out of the elevator on my floor in Brisbane to always smell someone cooking something awesome for dinner and would then go make myself a toasted sandwich. Woohoo. On the odd occasion I had my shit together sufficiently to put on the slow cooker, it was the most AWESOME thing to get out of the elevator, smell the smell and then realise...OMG that's for me!

So dinner is already done and dusted and now I'm pencilled in  diarised in permanent ink for some serious TV catching-up.

So now the next 'first' will be to try the fire thing. The servo down the road sells 15kg batches of wood so I might give this a go to start with. Surely I can't burn down a house with only 15kg worth of wood????

So farewell from your one and only source into the scandalous lives of...

Oh wait, that's Gossip Girl. Clearly it waits for no-one.


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