Saturday 14 April 2012

Public Bathroom Etiquette - my observations

Pardon my potty mouth, but this is what I've observed lately:

  • People exiting public bathrooms never get out of the way of those coming in. People entering have a greater need and should be given right of way. This is common courtesy.
  • The second toilet is always the one with the missing seat/toilet paper/broken lock.
  • The size of the line is always in direct proportion to how much you need to go.
  • If you're the only person in a bathroom with 3 or more toilets, you can be guaranteed the next person in will choose the cubicle right next to yours.
  • Lady in the cubicle next to me, do not compliment my shoes. I know we're just a scant few feet from each other but I would like to maintain the illusion of privacy. If you'd really like to know where I got my footwear, please wait until we're washing our hands.
  • Pay attention. If the sign says 'engaged' then there's a strong likelihood someone is in the cubicle. There's no need to push on the door. If the sign is broken, then one push would usually tip you off that the door is locked. The second, third and fourth pushes are redundant.
  • And for Gods sake, flush.


Laydee Ontharox said...

The women who insist on squatting over sitting, cause all the mess and germs on the seat and floor that they're trying to avoid!

Unknown said...

Squatters should just avoid public bathrooms altogether! If only to stop me from being envious that their thigh muscles are clearly better than mine.