Tuesday 24 April 2012

The happiness challenge. Day 6.

It's pretty easy to be happy on a public holiday so the snarks from yesterday are all gone :)

  • This morning I had THE best sleep-in I've had in about as long as I can remember. I didn't wake up properly until about 9:30am this morning - as a huge sleep-in for me is generally about 8am this was a damn good effort. Waking up when your body feels like it is a complete luxury when you have kids and a job!
  • I just saw pics of the Jolie-Pitts trying to have a relaxing family day at the beach, which ended with them being swarmed by cameras. I am ridiculously grateful right now to NOT be famous and have my everyday actions recorded. Imagining being followed around with your kids is pretty terrifying, not to mention the paparazzi tearing you to shreds for every blemish or bad hair day. I'd be screwed.
  • I swear my little in-house barista gets more talented every day. The milk/coffee/heat ratio this morning was sublime. Thank you E. 
I am so grateful to the ever-increasing coverage of the ANZAC day commerations not just in Australia but around the world. There was some controversy in the news a little while ago where the question was posed that ANZAC day is culturally insensitive and should be dialled down to avoid offending people.

There is a general pervasive feeling among many of us that the traditions, culture and history of Australia that make it such a sought-after place for people around the globe to live is being diluted due to 'political correctness'. Yes, racism should have no place here (nor in any culture) however my feeling is that the culture of any country should be respected. I would not visit a Muslim country and act or dress disrepectfully and I would happily participate in celebrations and commemorations in other countries was I to live there. Isn't that kind of the point?

Therefore my feeling is that something as meaningful as ANZAC day should not just be left alone, but held up as a shining example of what makes this country such a great place to live. Funnily enough it is rarely those with multi-cultural backgrounds who are the ones making the fuss - most come here fully prepared to embrace our customs - but all politically motivated. My view of ANZAC day is that it is a time to remember all of the fallen who have lost their lives fighting for their country - regardless of what country that is. If Turkey and Australia can go from foe-to-friend, then surely that is the most wonderful example of multiculturalism that exists?

Seriously I'm bad at this. Should I not lie down when attempting to meditate? I thought relaxing was the point? I fell asleep in about 2.5 seconds last night so maybe my mind is extraordinarily clear already? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

As the laziest person on the planet, I need some motivation here. Am planning on going for a walk with E later, although I do get easily distracted. Stay tuned.

Random act of kindness:
Instead of acting like everyone else in my building pretending that they don't actually SEE the person behind the glass door in the foyer trying to get in, and then frantically punching the lift button in the hope the doors will close before that person makes it inside, I actually not only held the lift door but also activated the electronic entry doors for a person on the 5th floor this morning.  She was so surprised and grateful it was like I'd just handed her a million dollars. Sad reflection on the other building occupants really.

Lastly, this is for my friend Willow who is well known for her love/hate relationship with the humble bra.


1 comment:

Willow said...

I'd say one of the best things about being a woman really is knowing what this feeling feels like.