Tuesday 13 March 2012


Update: wow, it's awesome when your child gets an interested and proactive teacher who actually does his own homework! Thoroughly impressed and happy to see that he actually 'gets' Elijah - this doesn't happen often enough sadly. My child dances to the beat of his own drum and this is something I actively encourage but it presents it's own set of problems with teachers just not understanding him and putting him in the 'too hard' basket. Incredibly bright but hard to motivate...story of his life :)

Slight improvement today, only pressed snooze a handful of times, up at 5:53am, out the door into the pouring rain at 6:12am. And darling son made me a coffee in my travel mug even if he was rather strategically coughing and grabbing his throat rather theatrically at every opportunity. Hmmm.

Coincidentally I have a parent/teacher interview this afternoon... As a veteran of sitting in front of teachers and even principals listening to them announce 'so bright, just doesn't try' we finally seem to have worked out a method of motivating him (more on that later). And judging by recent enthusiasm it seems to be working so I can't help but hope I might hear something different this afternoon!

Wish me luck.

P.S. yellow scarf girl is at it again. Every. Damn. Day.
P.P.S. 4 stamps on the coffee card, bless

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