Thursday 29 March 2012

The trouble with Bob Marley

A Bob Marley classic popped into my random play this morning as I was walking to the bus stop. I was bopping along and singing the lyrics under my breath (well OK not under my breath but SOFTLY. Shut up its perfectly normal - isn't it?) and thoroughly enjoying myself until it hit me...

...the fundamental issue with all Bob Marley songs.

Ok what do you think of when you think of Bob? If you're anything like me it's probably a scene comprising a magnificent beach, crystal clear water and a lethal cocktail or 6 made of a rum and pineapple concoction served in a coconut shell. Lots of gorgeous dreadlocked men who call everyone 'mon'. And ok quite a bit of the funny green stuff.

There's something about Bob Marley music that instantly evokes these visuals and the emotions that go along with them. I guess that's why people are still listening to his music decades after his heyday.

But here's the problem, here I am meandering to the bus whilst imagining myself on a baking hot beach when the song finishes and I come out of my reverie to find myself walking through a day that's getting slightly cooler every morning, clutching my umbrella as we have an outdoor function this afternoon and EVERYONE knows that means its totally gonna piss down and be rained out.

I'm not being pessimistic, really. Our last 3 outdoor activities have been washed out so it's not rocket science to look at the grey clouds and heaviness to the air to know the way this winds blowing.

...but I digress...

So when I came out of my reverie I was pretty pissed at Bob. He transported me to another time and place and then cruelly dumped me back where I started facing down another day at work.

Not cool Bob, not cool.


Anonymous said...

What about thanking him for the temporary reprieve and the blissful break from the horror of reality Rumble? Glass half full, glass half full. Yes, I'm drunk, what of it?

Unknown said...

At least you're an optimistic drunk, but what happens when the glass is empty? OK I'll cut Marley some slack, just for you.

Anonymous said...

Get another round.