Monday 12 March 2012

Things that annoy me - today's version

The snooze button: apparently while unconscious I like to push the snooze button on my alarm clock....a lot.  And it's getting worse. Alarm is set for 5:35am. This morning I became conscious for the first time at 6:04am. Out the door by 6:16am and on the bus by 6:22am. This includes shower/hair/makeup routine. Feeling fabulous. NOT.

People who wear their hair the same every day: there's a young girl on my bus who has worn her hair in a topknot for the last 2 years. Every. Damn. Day. I was excited when about 3 weeks ago she got her hair cut quite short. Except ever since then she's worn a distinctive yellow and white striped scarf tied around her head. Every. Damn. Day. I'm leaving the old lady with the long gray plait ( alone because she might not know any better but aren't young people supposed to like experimenting with their hair? It's just not right.

The girl at the coffee shop who only stamps my buy-10-get-one-free card once: yes you know who you are. Whilst all of your fellow baristas are quite generous with the stamping (2, 3, 4 or 5 times, thank you very much) you very decidedly stamp my card exactly once. I get that you're just following the rules but your behaviour will likely get you lynched by a caffeine deprived lunatic one day.  Not me of course. Probably.

People who 'text speak' out loud: I recently witnessed a conversation between two adults who really should have known better peppered with various bits of text speak, and finishing with TTYL. I'm not completely out of touch, I have been known to rotfl and lol with the best of them and I secretly listen to teenagers pretending to be so cool and giggling to myself, but text speak is exactly that...TEXT speak. Say it out loud and seriously, TTYN.

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