Monday 26 March 2012

Reality check

So I've been feeling crappy all day. Woke up late (damn you snooze button) after a sleep deprived weekend dealing with friend drama (don't ask...really), got ready at a lightning pace which was obvious every time I had the misfortune to look in a mirror and snapped at my poor son for no real reason except for I was feeling...well...crappy.

Oh and did I mention it's Monday?

Luckily it's been a crazy busy day which together with the iPod headphones helped a lot. But I was still stuck in my woe-is-me un-happy place where nothing short of George Clooney presenting me with a diamond ring and a bazillion dollars was gonna fix. You know the one.

And then came the phone call from a friend who is truly dealing with a heartbreaking situation beyond her control (and yet somehow not losing it...)

Reality check. Big time.

So I've given myself a stern talking to and have now snapped out of bitch persona...STAT.

Why does it sometimes take a terrible situation to shed some perspective on the trivialities we build up into mountains and the minor things we carry on with as if the world was about to end?

Must be time to re-count my blessings, methinks. And stop sweating the small stuff*.

*does not include getting annoyed by yellow/red scarf girl, snooze button issues or obsessing over whether Daniel died on Revenge. This is not a complete list.


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