Sunday 11 March 2012

So this is what a blog is!

I've always had an opinion on pretty much everything and anything, and am a pop-culture nerd from way back who spends far too much time reading nonsense on the internet and feeling compelled to respond. As one of my (male, of course) friends put it:

"The most worrisome aspect I believe is the amount of mental bandwidth devoted to analysing the issue by otherwise intelligent and discriminating people?" when commenting on one of my Facebook posts relating to Angelina's weird Oscar pose.

Clearly he just doesn't get it. But apparently I'm intelligent, AND discriminating so I guess that's a plus.

My secret ambition has always been to write a book, or be a journalist or something like that. The problem with both of these is that I'm lazy. And I've been told I have the attention span of a gnat. Ten pages in and I've lost interest, or can't be assed fact checking everything to make sure I don't get sued.

And then something wonderful happened - the internet! Who cares if it's factual as long as it's entertaining, right? And somewhere along the line people then decided what they had for breakfast was must-tell information.


So clearly a blog is the most perfect vehicle for me to express my (many) opinions whilst still maintaining my lazy habits. Somewhere along the line the world has changed to fit me, how awesome is that.

So there you are. I can't recall the purpose of this first blog post due to my short attention span as noted above. But if you haven't fallen asleep yet then please feel free to follow along as I ramble about whatever is on my mind today.

At the very least I'll just entertain myself.


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