Sunday 28 October 2012

Things that annoy me. Weekend edition.

So overall it's been a lovely big fat weekend full of nothing, just the way I like it. Reading, catching up on lame TV and decorating the front porch for Halloween.

Good times.

But there's been a few things that have gotten on my tits that just need to come out. So metaphorically speaking, here's me 'getting them off my chest':

  • Sons that can barely be dragged out of bed without threats (mine), tears (also mine) and tantrums (ditto) on school days yet insist on waking pre-dawn on weekends and coming into bed for a cuddle. Nothing against cuddles, my # 1 son, but the persistent wiggling and 'accidentally' loud sighing in order to try to wake me up on the only days I am genuinely allowed to be lazy is just not on.

  • On Friday the weather was 32 degrees. Hot. Lovely, but hot. Yet today maxed out at about 15 degrees, cold and windy, blowing my lovingly placed Halloween tableau to shit. Seriously dude? If I wanted four seasons in a day, I'd move to Melbourne. Now we're just a week or two away from summer, this is unacceptable. Only women are allowed to be so indecisive.

  • Missing the event of the year (aka the annual Halloween bash at Cathy's Spooky Palace). Boo to me. The first time I've missed it in years and last night I had my sadface imagining all the ghoulish goings-on I was missing. Not to mention the cake pops.  Ah...cake pops.

  • Hideous song of the day: R.I.P. I'm sorry but 'I'll make you call me daddy even though you're not my daughter'? Really? I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

  • Speaking of, it's pronounced 'baby' NOT 'beebee' or 'baybee'. You know who you are. Thank you.

This is not a complete list.


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