Sunday 21 October 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it...

Because the Mayan calendar and the existence of Lindsay Lohan and Kim Kardashian aren't big enough signs of the forthcoming apocalypse, now the universe has decided to hit us doubty McDoubters with another sure sign of our imminent demise:

Blood rain. On Halloween.

What delicious irony...or, or...something. It's cool whatever it is.

There's also a possibility of blood snow in Britain, but it doesn't quite have the same ring to it.

And no, I'm not kidding.

This news comes straight from the London Met office, totally legit. Well, as legit (and accurate) as our mighty meteorologists ever get.  Which is always sometimes rarely hardly ever. Click here to read all about it.

Note to maltese terrier owners: you may want to keep your yappy rats inside that day. Or not...can you imagine???

So I'm not too much up on my doomsday conspiracy religious iconography, but isn't there something about raining blood being another sign of the apocalypse?

Guess a short stint outdoors will save money on the Carrie costume for Halloween, anyway. Not to mention saving a ton on Christmas presents due to the fact that the world absolutely definitely maybe could might probably won't be ending just short of the holidays.

Bugger. And I wanted a new ipad.

Oh well, at least they've had the good grace to defer the end of the world until AFTER the most sacred day of the year...that being Halloween of course. Considerate of 'them'.

Speaking of...I need to go as 'my favourite dead person'. Any suggestions?


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