Wednesday 24 October 2012

Let me entertain you...

So I haven't written in a few days and I've been making up all kinds of excuses like 'I haven't had any inspiration' (lie), 'I've been busy' (big fat lie) and 'I've been working too hard' (whopping, enormously huge my-nose-is-growing lie) but the truth is in fact, much more embarrassing...

All my favourite shows have finally decided to show their faces again so I've spent evenings madly streaming Pretty Little Liars, Two Broke Girls and of course the all-important VD. As in Vampire Diaries, not some scary STD. Just to clarify.

I have to tell the truth because my nose is pointy enough, thank you very much.

So from devouring my teen-lit House of Night book on the weekend to catching up on Jersey Shore (thank god for Deena, otherwise the house would be waaaay dull with Snooki knocked up and The Sitch off the sauce)...welcome to my (so-called) life.

Embarrassing but true.

In my defence I did manage to mow and whipper-snipper the lawn as well as spending several hours pulling weeds (note to self: never ignore gardens for 6 months, like EVER again. Hideous job. The worst) so I wasn't just sitting on my ass watching crap TV.


Although due to the ridiculous crippling muscle soreness gained by aforementioned gardening, I did spend more than my fair share of time sitting on my ass watching crap TV this week. Because I couldn't move. Seriously, I felt like I'd seized up. This gardening/exercise crap is for...for...people other than me.

So I have to say that this week has been entertaining, to say the least. Even if most of the 'entertainment' is make-believe.

One of the funniest things I've seen this week has to be Susan from Collingwood, who posted a couple of ads on Gumtree, the first asking for a Night Time Watcher, preferably one who is willing to dress as an owl. The second was for a Twilight inspired fantasy man (who must leave prior to the Night Watcher's shift, as Susan doesn't care for the thought of more than one person being with her in her house at any one point).

Due to the posts going viral and the overwhelming number of responses ranging from the humorous to the downright freaky (who knew there were so many creepers out there? Scratch that, we all knew there were heaps) 'Susan' posted the best of the best at

If you need a mental health break then check it out. I'm seriously jealous of 'Susan' and only wish I'd thought of it first. Biatch.

And it gave some light relief from reading everywhere about Lance Armstrong and the US Presidential Election (although you could say anything that comes out of the Trump's ridiculous mouth could be considered light relief. Case in point).

And then today I wasreminded that World Expo 88 was 25 years ago. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO.

Oh hell. It's seriously been 25 years since we terrorised drank underage at sedately gathered on our best behaviour at the local park around the corner theme park every Friday and Saturday evening???

Now I feel old.

Happy Thursday all, hope you got entertained today!


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