Thursday 13 September 2012

Cathy's 50s Housewife Friday. Getting my rollerskate on.

Yes it's that time of the week again. 50s Housewife Friday!!

Hope everyone is having an awesome day. It's gorgeous weather here in lovely downtown BrisVegas!

Drove the boys to their schools this morning as I was feeling incredibly lazy and had an awesome singalong to the first track of the day:

Motley Crue: Home Sweet Home

Oh Nikki Sixx I love you so!! Kisses to you, if ur reading this! (how awesome would that be, if he read this blog weekly, just to check in with what I'd been up to...Bec, can u find out if he does or not? Thanks - get back to me).

So am currently on the back deck in the sun typing this, sipping an icy diet coke and have just finished flipping through my Who mag. Things I have taken from this week's read are thus:


  1. Chris Brown. Just fuck off
  2. Rihanna - u too
  3. Lara Bingle - WTF and who the hell cares?
  4. Kim Kardashian and any related Kardashians - obviously
  5. Lindsay Lohan - see no. 3. Although would love to see Lynds on Dr Drewe's Celebrity Rehab - that would be awesome. She'd get on beautifully with Steve Adler from GnR :)

Track 2 in the car this morning:

Suicidal Tendences: Possessed to Skate

Such a great band. Sev hadn't heard them before! Well, I felt like a bad mother when he told me that...made up for it by following up with Trip to the Brain. All good.

On today's 50s Housewife Friday agenda:

Some vanilla and coconut cream cake pops for one of my BFF's birthday. Believe it or not, we're going rollerskating @ Stafford Skate Rink tonight to celebrate and I literally could not be more excited! I used to frequent Stafford Skate Rink when I was but a lass. We had our grade 6 and 7 Aspley East State School Balls there in the 80s (after those Bastards knocked down Cloudland where they were always held before :().

I have to say though that "The Deep" at Albany Creek was really our rollerskating home. Every Friday night for practically all of 83-87 me and my friends would tsunami into The Deep, grab a lemon lime slush puppy and hit the rink. Some of the funnest times ever! My first ever boyfriend, Craig Dyer, gave me a gold plated rollerskate on a gold chain for my 11th birthday and we were the coolest couple to ever hit Couples Skate. I can still remember that I was wearing a white fish tail skirt and a pink paisley top...nawww cute little kids.

Tonight I shall expect to hear "Wired for Sound" by Cliff Richard and "Run to Paradise" by the Choirboys.

Afterwards, a weekend of going nowhere and doing nothin but hanging out in the backyard with everyone's favourite 50s husband and 50s children and finishing off our awesome fort "Fort Skull", which now officially has a big skull attached to the front of it, and finishing up of vege garden which turned out to be soooo massive that I need 84,000 more bags of dirt to complete the MF. Will be lovely when it's done and I can start stuffing home grown organic goodness down everyone's throats. If you come over, bring a bag - believe me, there'll be plenty!

So better get my bake on and dust of my beloved speed skates...let's see what my Ipod wants to play last to send you off...

Ahhh great choice:

Betty Detox: Snatch

Have a great Friday y'all!!!

Cathy xx

PS. Lead guitarist from Betty Detox: call me back ya spanner head!

Cathy wears many hats. Wife, mother of two sons, CEO of Little Monsters Pty Ltd and Cake Pop Queen just to name a few. She subscribes to the theory that Cathiness is next to Godliness. And on Fridays she behaves like a 50s housewife by sedating herself and cooking, baking and ironing, and being nice to her husband. Any other day is a crapshoot.


Unknown said...

You left out Kanye - or is he considered a Kardashian by association?

I know what you mean about the rollerskating, I've taken E quite a bit to Stafford which really brings back memories of disco skate.

In my case the song I would expect to hear would be 'Blame it on the Boogie'. It seems to be an essential tune to enhance the skating experience.


Unknown said...

PS. I would suggest not wearing a fish tail skirt again, just in case you fall on your butt. There's just no dignified way of getting to your feet in a skit.

Cathy Cupcakes said...

I never fall

Unknown said...

Nikki Sixx doesn't appear to be answering his phone. Leave it with me and I'll get back to you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cupcakes

Nikki here,

Heard all about your blog and i had to read it.
Think i'll be back next week!
I also heard you have been getting creative in your back yard.
Love your work babe!

Nikki x

Cathy Cupcakes said...

Yet no mention of a marriage proposal Nikki?