Tuesday 18 September 2012


I haven't done one of these in a while so thought I'd revisit 'Currently', inspired by one of my favourite blogs, Sometimes Sweet's posts.

This is almost as embarrassing as Toddlers and Tiaras (although nothing is as embarrassing as admitting watching The Shire), but my new obsession now that all of my favourite shows seem to be on a break, is Dance Moms.

I guess I can relate to this one, growing up as a total dance kid myself, I have endured nasty dance teachers (telling you if you don't pull your stomach in, they'll cut it off and eat it for dinner???) and some really ambitious and grasping dance mums.

Luckily for me, my mum couldn't bear the politics and was a failed dance mum, opting instead to slow down outside the studio long enough for us to jump out before gunning the accelerator and buggering off as fast as she could.

Smart lady.

Watching these talented kids and their delusional mothers is a guilty pleasure and certainly is helping fill the gaps until The Vampire Diaries/True Blood/Pretty Little Liars et al opt to grace us with their presence once more.

If you've ever danced or want your kids to dance, it's a must see!

The smell of spring in the air! Toowoomba is renowned for its Carnival of Flowers and it all kicks off this weekend with it's Flower, Wine and Food Festival. Apparently some of the gardens featured are a must-see and I'm really looking forward to stopping and...well...smelling the roses. Stay tuned for what I'm sure will be some amazing pics.

Incidentally, the garden inside our work grounds has just had the most gorgeous orange flowers spring up this week which makes it such a pleasure to come to work...sort of.

Forgive me if this is old news, but I've just stumbled onto the miracle of Epsom Salts! I have heard about them of course for relieving sore muscles and tired feet but hadn't heard what a fabulous skincare product it could be. Reading a blog somewhere this woman talked about how she used it on her face and it was a nice, easy and cheap (always a bonus) solution so I thought I'd give it a go.

Living in Toowoomba, you are covered from ears to toes for several months of the year, which in my case resulted in needing to shed about a zillion layers of 'snake skin' now that it's getting a little warmer out. So I soaked in a lovely Epsom bath and then mixed the salts with my exfoliator and went nuts.

20 million layers of skin floating in the bath later and RESULT! And skin like a baby's bottom...hooray for me!

Since then, I've been using Epsom Salts every other day on my face, just mixed in with my cleanser. And it's made the most ridiculous difference, that I'm simply stunned. I have problem skin and issues with adult acne (which as someone who went through my teenage years relatively spot-free is kinda mortifying). Since using this, not only is my skin noticeably brighter, but my existing spots have cleared up really fast and no new ones developing...

Just magic.

On Monday, running late for work, half asleep and clutching much-needed caffeine in hand, I ran into a co-worker who commented that I looked 'bright and raring to go'. As I was sleep deprived and feeling brain-dead, I can only attribute said miracle comment to Epsom Salts.

The best bit is not just the soft and clear skin but also I didn't realise the magnesium that is absorbed, which helps raise your serotonin levels naturally. And God knows I'll take all the serotonin I can get.

And Epsom, if you're reading this, feel free to sponsor me as a lifetime of salts sounds pretty damn fine.

Although now I've discovered that I can buy an 11kg bucket for just $30, if I don't hear from you, I might just live.

So I just finished the three 'Grey' books and I have to say I wish I'd stopped after the first. Number 1 was OK and I did grow to feel for the characters and was interested in their development, however by halfway through the third book I just wanted the story to be finished already and grew to actively dislike pretty much both of the main characters. The plotlines just rambled and the carry-on between the pair (and I don't mean in the bedroom/Red Room of Pain) was ridiculous to the point of stupid.

Apologies to the millions of women who are obsessed with Christian and Ana, but I wanted to gag and smack them both extremely hard.

Listening to:
A total blast from the past popped onto the random rotation today:

Pump Up the Jam, Technotronic.

OMG I so remember going (underage) to the Bond Uni pub with my sister and some friends and dancing with some old blokes (I mean, senior citizen old, not dad old) and boogeying down to this gem. There's a bit that tells you to 'get down' and then 'get up' - well these poor old blokes gave it their all, but I feared when they got 'down' that there might not be too much getting back up in their future.

The memories in songs...aaahhh.

Make your day...if only to laugh at the 80s hair/costuming and bum bag that goes sooooo well with lycra.

So there you are. Hope your week is travelling well! Personally I'm shattered after an all-day meeting so I'm off to feed my brain some junk food in the form of another episode of Dance Moms.

Have a good one!


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