Saturday 5 January 2013

Farewell holidays and nanna naps. How I will miss you.

My holidays are officially over!

Yesterday was my final proper 'holiday' day, seeing as I don't work weekends. And back to the grindstone on Monday....(cue mournful music here).

No more sleep ins. No more nanna naps. No more staying up far too late for no reason whatsoever and then repeating steps 1 and 2 all over again.

The past two weeks have flown by and suddenly it's nearly over and I'm scratching my head wondering where the time went. There were so many things I wanted to do this past fortnight and I've barely ticked off any...

Luckily some of the things I did manage to check off the list were catching up with people dear to me, including my sister and her family in Brisbane and also checking in on Willow and her adorable kids the other day for a good and well overdue gossip.

Priorities, right? I'd rather pop off this mortal coil leaving the housework undone than miss seeing those I love.

Speaking of the bloody housework...I finally emptied the mailbox after about a week or so and found another notice for a rental inspection...OMG that's like 4 inspections in 7 months! I definitely have the most overzealous agents in the biz...having said that, if I'm every a property owner I'll definitely be looking them up as they clearly don't let anything get past them.

So on that note, E and I had to kick up the planned cleaning spree into high gear. Luckily he's old enough to help out with most stuff...although I must say his usual vacuuming methods do leave something to be desired...after a 'proper' vacuum by yours truly today it was pretty clear that near enough is good enough for this kid. Half assed all the way.

Aww, he takes after his mommy, I'm so proud. Genetics are a wonderful thing.

I've also 'attempted' to tidy up my garden which includes finally mastering the whipper snipper in properly edging the lawn and making a half assed effort to cut back the copious hedges around my property. Without a ladder and a chainsaw I'm pretty limited in what I can do, I must say. See dad, I really DID need that electric hedge trimmer.

Hedges = 1. Me = 0.

I can't trim my own hedges. Go figure.

God I'm boring, I'm almost looking forward to going back to work.

I can't believe I just said that.

What a crappy way to end a wonderful holiday huh? Although as I sit here able to see the floor in my bedroom for the first time in some time (don't ask) and have actually folded, clean clothes in cupboards rather than heaped in piles in the laundry. What a novelty! (as an aside to show you how bad it's gotten, I had all E's clothes folded and put away yesterday and last night he complained that he couldn't find any pyjamas in the laundry as he's so used to going and sorting through the piles haha).

So clearly I need to stop living like a teenager because I have a near teenager who's becoming just like me...terrifying thought.

I guess this is not the most opportune time to say that now the Christmas decorations have been packed away, my mantelpiece now displays a rather fetching tableau of Monster High dolls? Oh well.

On the mouse front...we've not caught any but the house has been suspiciously mouse activity free ever since the traps went out. No scratchings, no sightings, no nothing. Perhaps I've attracted a more intelligent form of mouse who decided to pack up their bat and ball and get the hell out now that they've outstayed their welcome? Time will tell.

Mouse = 1. Me = 0.

I will not surrender!

On a sad, sad note, I just read that Charlaine Harris is writing the final True Blood novel, like ever. No more Eric (Sookie I can do without). She could've warned me to take some valium before reading this news. Tragedy.

So hope you've all been having a lovely weekend or holiday, if you've been lucky enough to have one! I have one more day to whip this place into shape and then attempt to get myself out of bed before 8am on Monday. God help us all.

Bec xx

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