Wednesday 23 January 2013

Don't feed the trolls. I'm looking at you, Speidi.

So I find it really interesting that Celebrity Big Brother in the UK is suddenly being talked about on news websites both in Australia and the USA for like, the first time ever.


Um, cause the loathsome 'Speidi' have been 'cast' and are cutting a swathe of drama wherever they turn. Shocker.

Personally I prefer to refer to them as 'The Pratts'.

What's more disturbing is that even I have been suckered into this nonsense, reading the daily recaps on the official CBB blog and am now suddenly familiar with previously unknown to anyone who wasn't strictly British, ahem, 'celebs'.

What is it about this duo that is so wrong on every single level known to mankind, yet we can't stop watching them? If we thought it was bad enough to see photos of the ridiculously overinflated and enhanced Barbie on crack Heidi conveniently 'dropping' something on the beach just as the camera snaps, then giving them more airtime in any format is just wrong, wrong, wrong.

You're feeding the trolls!

OK yeah I watched The Hills. I admit it. Lauren was awesome. And I loved that you could see they originally hired Whitney to be Lauren's nemesis however the tables were turned when the two actually became friends.

However, the most awful and pitiful part was watching a spunky, funny and vivacious Heidi morph into this sad caricature so desperate for fame and attention that she underwent a gazillion surgeries in a day just so she'd be paid to tell her story on a magazine cover.

The lengths she and her hideous partner in crime, Senor Pratt, have gone to in a desperate bid to stay relevant have been as laughable and downright sad as her short-lived music career (for further explanation, refer to her song 'Higher'. Enough said).

So the questions I have are, why for one would any show anywhere want to cast them in anything, anytime, anywhere, instead of letting them stay under the rock they've been forced to make home since they've lost all their money, kudos and dignity?

Secondly, why are we now tuning into this stupid and heretofore invisible TV show to watch them inflict their patented brand of horror on the UK? Seriously America, if you wanted to go to war with Britain there are more humane ways of doing it. This has international conflict written all over it.

There is a huge debate within the house among the other housemates as to whether the Pratts are being real or simply acting the part of celebs on reality television. Poor buggers. They didn't even see it coming.

The thing is, there is no 'real' Heidi or Spencer. Let's face it, they're no more real than Heidi's mammoth boobies. They don't know anything but being part of a 'cast' of a reality show.

It's actually really quite sad. Watching from a distance with no desire to have ever been famous for being a total tool, I find it incredibly disturbing that there are little freaks everywhere so desperate for fame, for fame's sake. They don't care how. They don't care what they have to do. They just want people to know their name, for better or worse.

Spending their lives 'trolling' for fame. What a waste.

And the worst thing you can do is feed the trolls. Everyone knows it.

Case in point: when everyone simply ignored the Pratts, they went away. We've really not heard much except the odd bizzarro and not-at-all-staged bikini papp shot of Barbie. I mean, Heidi. Pitiful but not enough to make me lose my lunch.

So why feed the trolls, Britain? Really? Is it worth the ratings? The international press?

Oh what am I talking about.

I just hope you've cashed up on your insurance when the rest of the housemates sue you for pain and distress.

Bec xx

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