Sunday 23 December 2012

T'was the night before Christmas...

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house...

Comes the most amazing waft of lamb roast for our 'family tradition' pre-Christmas dinner!

Elijah was quite small when he suggested we start our own tradition of just the two of us (our very own little 'family'). The dinner was his idea and whilst I carry the burden of the actual cooking, he takes great delight and enormous pride in decorating our table every year.

This morning our dining table was covered in the usual pre-Christmas detrius...wrapping paper, some unwrapped Christmas presents, wrapped presents that never quite made it to the post office (sorry everyone!!!) and a huge gift basket that I was lucky enough to win in our work social club raffle on Friday.

Well now it's full of candles and Christmas crackers and all sorts of Christmassy things, thanks to the imagination and dedication of a kid who pretty much dedicates his life to Christmas!

I am fortunate to have probably the only 12 year old in existence who still believes in Santa with his whole heart. For days the conundrum has been where to hang his stocking in the most prominent of places, what we'll leave out for Santa to eat, what we're having for Christmas dinner and what time is he allowed to come and annoy me wake me up in the morning. And the all-important 'can I look at my Santa presents before I wake you up if it's too early?'.

I seriously have a kid that's so good to be true, that I truly don't know where he came from!!!

Not only does he wholeheartedly dedicate himself to the mantra of Christmas always being more about giving than receiving...seriously! I said to him the other day, 'seriously buddy, tell the truth, it's about the presents isn't it?'. His response? 'No, I just get excited seeing the expressions on people's faces when they open my presents'.

All together now....awwwww

Like I said...he didn't get that from me. I was the little shit shaking every present and searching the cupboards madly for the stash of gifts with my name on it. And keeping score with my sister? Oh, you betta believe it!

But this one takes the cake:

The other day we saw a wishing well and E asked if he could have a go. He then asked if he could give his wish to others rather than wishing for himself. When I asked him what his wish was, he said that he hoped every child in hospital would get to go home and be well for Christmas.

OK now...collective double awwwww.

It makes my heart sing to know that my old age is in great hands if there's kids like E about who care more for others than themselves. I am certainly not one of them naturally (as I said on the phone to my stepmother yesterday, I was, and likely still am, a selfish little shit).

So I'm off to enjoy our Christmas dinner with my own little family. Then off to Tenterfield tomorrow after breakfast and a marathon Christmas tree session to enjoy lunch with dad and my stepmother. It might not be the most traditional family unit, but it's incredibly special.

What traditions do you enjoy at this time of year? I'd love to hear.

Bec xxw

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