Tuesday 28 May 2013

Would you pick this girl as your Mentor? Oh dear.

Further to yesterday's extreme caffeine deprived addled post, I would like to say that three coffees and several diet cokes later...and well, nothing improved. Oh dear.

Thankfully Tuesday has dawned clear, bright (albeit freaking cold) and whilst I did hit snooze far too many times this morning, it wasn't quite the panic stations of yesterday and I even managed to get here in time for my visit to my dealer coffee provider which always makes things just dandy.

So I wrote briefly last week that Friday was my 1 year 'birthday' at my workplace and indeed in Toowoomba. I was so lucky and spoilt with simply the most enormous bunch of flowers delivered in the morning (so heavy they literally toppled and smashed my lovely vase at home, sad face) followed by a pissy lunch at one of our favourite restaurants (Gips) with some brilliant company and lots (and lots) of fine champagne (BEST. BRUSCHETTA. EVER). It was certainly an entertaining afternoon back at the office trying to work after that but at least it meant I was sober by the time I drove home!

I can't believe I got so lucky to fall on my feet straight into a fabulous job (literally I think one of the best assistant jobs in Toowoomba!), great house and all the rest. Speaking of the house - I am now a proficient pyromaniac fire builder who is very capably warming our house without setting the whole damn thing on fire - yay me. Can't believe I didn't use the fireplace last year, it is so much warmer than any heater and (fingers crossed) means I won't be getting a power bill the size of the debt of a small country this winter.

I think I can categorically say the Toowoomba Project is a roaring success. If only it wasn't so farking cold.

So winter hit with a vengeance about 2 weeks ago - one minute it was sunny and warm and the next farking freezing. Some days I totally get why bears hibernate in winter. There has been more than one day where my doona screams my name when we are separated - or perhaps I scream it's name...I forget which. It's times like this when I dream of Far North Queensland holidays and when my smartass, Cairns dwelling
 stepsister starts sending me text messages like the one below. She hasn't done one for a while but I know it's a-comin'.

By the way darling stepsis, the threat of Nickelback in your kids Christmas stockings doesn't have an expiry date. Just saying.

Oh some exciting news, at least for me. I have been asked to participate in a Mentoring Programme up here and now some poor unsuspecting sucker lucky young woman will draw the short straw get the benefit of my wisdom and experience (I nearly choked on my coffee just writing that phrase) for the next twelve months as my mentee.


I'm totally looking forward to it, the opportunity to officially screw up someone else being handed to me on a silver platter. I plan to teach her all my tricks as per an excellent mentor should.

So I'm off to the Careflight Gala Ball this weekend, which is pretty cool. It's Venetian Masquerade and I can't wait to get girlied up and masked and to post some pics of the occasion! There is something about wearing a mask, which when coupled with free champagne makes me behave incredibly badly although with my boss at the table I may have to rein it in somewhat.

Quote of the day (yesterday) in caffeine addled state: 'I would go to the opening of an envelope if it involved a pretty dress and a mask'.

My boss told me I'm not normal, which I have decided to take as an extreme compliment.

I think.

Anyhoo, have a wonderful Tuesday all, I personally have downloaded the early Madonna (think pre- Like a Prayer) catalogue and am thoroughly enjoying myself right about now.

Bec xx

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