Wednesday 6 March 2013

Zombies and stick families...the lesser of two evils?

For anyone who knows me the following revelation probably won't come as an enormous surprise.

I spend an inordinate amount of my life debating the likelihood of and my chances of survival in the event of a zombie apocalypse.

Apparently moving away from a capital city has increased my chances, although I lived in a highrise with a pool on the roof which would have been an ideal vantage spot to pick off the brain-eating crazies coming to get me (and the zombies too) and now live in a flat-on-the-ground house. I haven't yet investigated if my security screens are zombie-proof but will put that on my To-Do list immediately.

According to the zombie quizzes I make it past the first few hurdles but then meet my demise due to my distaste for gore, ugliness, and avoidance of close, hand-to-hand combat.

However my new plan is to commandeer a Bunnings Warehouse complete with all manner of long-handled dangerous looking implements that I believe should allow me to be dangerously effective...but as a distance. It's even got a cafe. And camp beds.

But I digress...

Anyhoo, I also haven't really made any effort to hide my utter disdain (read: complete hatred) of those stupid 'My Family' car stickers (except for the one at the link attached which quickly became my most favourite picture and I was quite tempted to put it on my own car).

So stumbling onto the following seemed like kismet.


Bec xx

1 comment:

judi bola said...

this is amazing i like that