RIP to the Iron Lady.
Without a doubt, Ms Thatcher revolutionised not just the UK but 'girl power' worldwide. Despite living halfway across the world (and I might be showing my age here), I grew up knowing without a doubt that girls could do ANYTHING, I mean look at the scary lady who runs Britain (and I didn't mean the Queen).
In spite of the hair and the scary demeanour, Margaret Thatcher represented an unparallelled role model for young girls. It didn't matter what side of the fence you were, politics-wise, it cannot be argued that she was one of the most defining and influential leaders across the world in, like, ever.
As the first female Prime Minister of Great Britain, she has changed history. As a strong leader, she has changed it even more. Fiesty, 'dangerously opinionated' and stubborn as hell, you can't help but admire her.
Funnily enough, she despised women's lib however somehow WAS the true definition of what it should be.
She has left a legacy that will last more than my lifetime, and this from someone who really couldn't give a rats ass about politics, let alone politics from another country.
My favourite Thatcherism, which I think embodies her strength of character, determination and frankly, no-bullshit approach:
"To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the U-turn, I have only one thing to say, you turn if you want to. The lady's not for turning" - Speech at Conservative Party conference, 1980
And this, as quoted by Tory MP Julian Critchley in 1982:
"She cannot see an institution without hitting it with her handbag"
She was a rockstar.
So let's contrast her with another (ahem) female leader - the Australian PM Julia Gillard.
Thatcher: never lost an election.
Julia: technically never won one, having tricked her way into power. I mean, let's face it, she's only there cause she knifed her predecessor and climbed over his twitching carcass to secede him, and then 'negotiated' her way into her next term. I say negotiated, as basically she lied her ass off and told the decision-making guys whatever they wanted to hear so they'd pick her. Then she systematically reneged on pretty much everything so that just recently, those same decision-making guys have now pulled their support from her.
Thatcher: love her or hate her, she was her own woman with her own opinions and couldn't be swayed in a hurricane.
Julia: a puppet who says and does what she is told.
Just the other day, I read that Julia has now earned the title of 'Worst PM in Australian History'. Along with 'hopelessly incompetent moron' and my personal favourite, 'pathologically dishonest harpy'.
Way harsh. But unfortunately true.
Look Thatcher had her detractors. But even those detractors had to give her kudos for her guts and ability to make things happen.
Gillard, on the other hand, hasn't managed to accomplish squat except some pretty fancy footwork in dodging basically every single promise she's ever made, and of course, gaining her doctorate in 'how to answer a question without actually answering shit and how to lie like a rug'.
And frankly, as a woman, it's embarrassing.
And I'm angry.
She also forever gets the title of First Woman PM.
It's a travesty. The woman who made a mockery of the entire politicial institution of our country not only stealing the title from a worthy candidate, but now ruining the chances of any worthy candidate forevermore.
What makes me even more angry is that I realise I've just written a dissertation on politics and feminism...WTF!!!!!
At least they have something in common: the scary demeanour and even more frightening hair, plus their penchant for finger pointing. So maybe there's hope.
Bec xx
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