Oh except for a lovely colleague who stuffed up the time difference and rang me at 3:30 AM the other night/morning. Yeah, that was fun.
I also have to throw in...damn you Tom Cruise. Damn you. You were actually really good in Rock of Ages and that's just not on. I tried really, really hard to dislike you in it because let's face it, you're weird and creepy, but you were great. Which makes me dislike you more.
Anyhoo...moving on...
So, I remember a conversation between Cathy and myself many years ago speculating on how the offspring of former rebellious troublemakers would turn out. I mean, would they be a bigger ratbag than their parent, or would they 'rebel' by sporting short back and sides and making a name for themselves in, say, the police or something equally horrifying like that?
So it comes to pass: despite all my teachings to dance to the beat of your own drum and the influence of my own...well...let's just say nuttiness and be done with it...my son is about to turn 13, has entered high school, and contrary to his former troublemaking mother (now cleverly disguised as a responsible, tax paying adult...the 'responsible' and 'adult' are debatable, but I do pay my tax), has just been accepted into an Accelerated Academics Program because he has been identified as a 'thinker'.
My old school principal is choking on her tea as I write this.
Take that Mrs Hancock.
Now I wasn't a really 'bad girl' at school, I had perfected the innocent 'who me?' look that had all the teachers telling me I should choose better friends and not be influenced so easily. But if there was a rule I had to see how far I could bend it without actually breaking it and I should have gotten an A+ in my ability to weasel out of trouble with my wide-eyed 'I didn't know' look. Teachers despaired because I simply phoned it in, and much to their disgust still did pretty well. School was a social activity for me (yes with those 'bad' friends who I still love today!) and I was far more interested in gossiping about last weekend and making plans for this weekend to really care what X equalled.
I think the term 'has brains, requires application' was patented for me.
And so #1 (and only) son followed in my footsteps up to grade 7 when inexplicably something changed and he became...dare I say it...a nerd! Or 'nutbag nerd' as he prefers as he hasn't lost a whit of his individuality despite suddenly paying attention in class and enjoying being the best at things.
So there you are. #1 nerd son is destined to finish uni before I do. I can just feel it. And I really couldn't be prouder, even if it does mean I'm now officially the dumbest resident in this house.
Anyhoo, onto another subject...
Careflight, for those who don't know, provides emergency medical support and transfers to hospitals for those living in more remote locations, or for us in Toowoomba who have hospitals but may have to go to Brisbane for more emergency situations that our facilities may not be able to cope with.
Last year one of my colleagues and friends had a terrible accident and had it not been for the quick response of Careflight getting her to Brisbane for treatment, I shudder to think of the outcome. Fortunately, although it's been a long road, she is doing phenomenally and is likely to be dancing on tables at the next Ball for sure.
So it's an organisation that's pretty close to my heart, and those of my company, so when the Ball came along my generous boss grabbed a couple of tables and invited those who have been friends with or had offered support to our friend during her recovery.
Look, I'll admit it, personally I'd go to the opening of an envelope if it involved a pretty dress (I think I may have said this before but it bears repeating) but this was pretty special as we were personally involved with someone that Careflight had a huge hand in saving.
And what a spectacular night. In my former life as an events organiser, I have put together some of these before but I must say this masquerade ball put any previous event to shame. More than 500 masked guests in a spectacular historic venue...add alcohol, more than 100 silent bids which were placed by using personalised cards and chip readers (much merriment when someone stole someone elses and made a bid on Vanessa Amorosi's CD)....
Fabulous night. I love a good masquerade and this was a spectactular one.
I don't know how they're going to top this one next year but I'll be making sure I'm there.
OK so a long weekend still stretches out ahead...and in unlikely for me fashion, I have managed to fill it up like crazy. Later today we're heading for Bris-Vegas to catch up first with some friends I haven't seen since I moved to Tooowoomba followed by a 'sleepover' with Cathy for no other reason than 'why not?'. Tomorrow I'll be seeing my sister and her adorable family and then back home...followed by a visit from one of E's old Brisbane mates on Monday who is spending the weekend up here. Exhausted just thinking about it!
So what do you have planned this weekend? I've put some photos of my 'ball' experience for your enjoyment/ridicule! Have at it.
Bec xx