Wow I wonder if I remember how to do this?
Hi all, my name is Bec and once upon a time I started a blog which I wrote in religiously for quite a while. I then got distracted by a shiny object or two and my attention wandered...and then wandered back...and then away...and then away...then back...then away...
You get the picture.
I have been feeling super guilty for not updating my blog and also a bit addled, which I think probably is a symptom of not writing enough to 'sort out my shit'!
Anyhoo here I am, welcome back me. I always make a solemn pledge to never, ever, ever wander off again but I won't bother because we all know I'd been lying so hard my nose would grow, and seriously, does anyone ever say 'gee, I wish I had a bigger nose'???? I mean, apart from Michael Jackson that is.
So I can't even remember what I was up to last time I wrote, it was that bloody long ago...something about having a mid life crisis...some old bird jumping in front of me in photos...some other self-obsessed drivel...yada yada...40th birthdays...bad hair days...blah blah blah....more self-obsessed drivel...
So yeah, nothing's changed then. Clearly.
I'd like to say I've been off having a life but that would also be patently untrue. If I'm being blatantly honest, I've discovered a few new TV shows and have been basically glued to my laptop catching up on all episodes of not just the current favourites but others that I hadn't yet seen, like Hart of Dixie, Once Upon a Time, the latest Australian Apprentice and I've just discovered (very belatedly and upon the recommendation of my stepsister who freely admits it makes her feel like a voyeur) Big Love.
Now I know the reality of living with three wives. Poor Bill, I mean really, it's a full-time job just trying to satisfy one wife...these polygamy guys might look like they're having their cake and eating it too but logistically? Not that I would probably mind having three husbands, as long as it didn't mean 3 x picking up dirty socks and 3 x having to find everything because the 'boy look' didn't make it jump instantly into their hands. On second thoughts, I already have one teenager in the house, happy to leave it at just that, thanks!
OK so here's something that's not TOTALLY self-obsessed - my #1 (and only) son has just been given a huge academic award at school and has also been invited to participate in the selection process for an advanced academic programme at his school that basically gets him finishing a year ahead and getting to study university subjects while still in grade 12. I am simply such a proud mum right now that I think I'm gonna burst.
He gets his brains from me, obviously.
Now anyone who knows me and my son knows that E has always been a pretty bright kid with...ahem...shall we say...some issues in the way of applying himself. If I had a dollar for every time I'd hear 'lacks motivation' from his teachers...well let's just say it was like revisiting my own high school career, where I'd only bother trying if I liked the particular subject matter, otherwise...
So it's pretty exciting. My gorgeous little nerd. He's gonna rule the world one day and we'll all be working for him.
And I just realised I managed to make my son's awesome news all about me so clearly I don't lack skill in that area.
We all have our strengths.
So last week it was warm and sunny in lovely Toowoomba and then two days ago I woke up and it was farking freezing. The winter gear has come out to play and I desperately need to organise a load of firewood STAT.
And Mr Cubicle Neighbour (you know who you are), it is way impolite to laugh at someone wearing fingerless gloves while typing. Everyone knows you can't type properly with normal gloves on and YES, IT IS THAT COLD.
I'm really looking forward to the day where I'm forced to bring out the nanna blanket. Or heaven forbid, the earmuffs. Cause he didn't have enough to laugh at before. I should charge him for sitting near me, clearly I'm providing free entertainment at the expense of only, you know, my self esteem.
So next week marks my one year anniversary of departing the anthill known as Brisbane CBD for the mountain town of Toowoomba. I'll have to write a special blog post commemorating my 'anniversary'. Or you know, not.
My boss is marking the occasion by taking me out for lunch. Usually people have to work here 10 years to get a special 'anniversary' lunch so I am wondering whether working with him for one year is the equivalent of working elsewhere in the company for 10 years? Or perhaps he just wants to congratulate himself for putting up with me for 12 whole months. I'm betting on column B here.
So anyhoo, I hope you have enjoyed my first blog post in quite awhile - I have so much in my head that I'd like to write and say so fingers crossed I'll actually get around to it this time!
Bec xx